Chapter 30: Rerun

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Hyogo Prefectural Qualifiers for Spring High
Day 1 – First Round

"Go! Go! Let's go! Let's go! Ina High!"

The chants of the cheer squad are followed by the squeals of the fans as Ojiro scores the final point, blowing away the crowd with the power of his spike. It's no surprise that Inarizaki's dominated their first match.

"Ojiro Aran! May we please speak with you?"

"Miya Atsumu! Is it alright if we get a picture and an interview??"

"Inarizaki's first match today was amazing, you must be very confident in your team."

"Our first match went very well and we're all very calm, so I'm very confident in my team. The first match can be rather scary and nerve-racking for any team, regardless of status or rank, but I'm sure we'll be fine in the tournament." Kita answers, smiling politely as he speaks into the microphone.

Y/N sighs to herself as a few of the members break off from the group for interviews, tournaments are always tiring. Taking out her phone, she types out the details of the match in a message and sends it. After a while the rest of the team gathers in preparation to leave.

"Man~ matches are so fun to play! I just hate playin' against people that suck at the game." Atsumu chimes, stretching his arms as everyone rolls their eyes.

"Personality of sewage water." Osamu mutters.

"You got guts insultin' a top 16 team in Hyogo." Ginjima mutters, sighing as he shakes his head. "I personally thought they were pretty good."

"Not all of us can be nice like you, Gin." Atsumu rolls his eyes, waving his hand dismissively. "Top 16, top 5, top 2, none of it matters if you're not the best."

"Every time I bump into you, I suddenly remember why I want to punch you so badly."

The Inarizaki second years turn to the side, noticing the Nakiusagi second years. Matsumoto's scowling at Atsumu, who smirks in response.

"Oh? That's bold words comin' from someone who loses so often they're forgettable." Atsumu shrugs as the rest of the Inarizaki second years facepalm. Does he need to be so rude?

"Yikes..." Suna mutters, avoiding eye contact as he pretends he doesn't know Atsumu.

Matsumoto grits his teeth and glares at Atsumu. "Don't get so full of yerself, Atsumu. Nakiusagi's a powerhouse school too, we've been consistently second in the prefecture."

"And who's been consistently first?" Atsumu asks, smirking arrogantly. "Second place is nice and all, but second place doesn't get to go to Spring High."

"Can we go yet?" Y/N whispers to Osamu as he sighs, shaking his head tiredly as she pouts. "I just wanna go home..."

"No one's victory is assured. We'll take you down and go to Spring High this time." Matsumoto declares as the Inarizaki second years stare at him boredly.

"Defeat us first, then you can talk." Atsumu says.

"Alright, we needa go now." Ginjima cuts in, grabbing the back of Atsumu's shirt and dragging him away. "Congrats for winnin' the first round! See ya tomorrow!"

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Hyogo Prefectural Qualifiers for Spring High
Day 2 – Quarterfinals & Semi-finals

"So yeah, Atsumu managed to get a bunch of service aces but somehow Osamu managed to score more this time! He's so salty and was sulking about it until people asked him for pictures, drama queen. The rest of the team is resting for Semis though, we'll be playin' again soon."

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