Chapter 9: Sakusa Kiyoomi

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"Rintarou you're... so weak..." Y/N comments, an imaginary arrow pierces through his heart as he crumbles to the floor in defeat.

"Maybe he doesn't eat enough?" Osamu asks, observing Suna carefully.

"Or 'coz he's always slackin' off in practise?" Atsumu proposes.

"Guys... he's right there... don't just gossip about him in front of his face..." Ginjima sweat-drops, feeling sorry for Suna.

"He's so skinny, he's practically a twig." Y/N says, ignoring Ginjima. "I'm pretty sure he's skinnier than me."

Suna remains on the floor, hoping he can merge with it and die. His teammates ignore his pain and continue gossiping about him. Somehow sensing that something isn't right, Kita approaches the second years with the third year regulars following closely behind.

"What's goin' on?" He questions, watching as Suna withers in pain on the floor, letting out agonising wails.

"Don'tcha think Suna's too skinny, Kita-san? He's super weak too..." Atsumu says, pointing at Suna.

"I guess that's true." Kita says.

"I mean, Shinsuke's weak too, so don't worry about it Suna." Akagi pipes in, patting the two of them on the back while smiling brightly.

"Excuse me?"

The second years and Ojiro flinch back in fear, Kita's ice-cold voice makes them shiver. Oomimi sighs deeply and facepalms, this will not end well.

"C'mon Shinsuke~ Even you'd admit you're pretty weak, right?"

The second years and Ojiro are literally shaking in fear, their eyes frantically darting between Akagi and Kita, who is emitting an unnervingly dark aura.

"Is that what you think of me, Michinari?" Kita asks, staring directly into Akagi's eyes.

"I mean... it's true, ain't it? What, you wanna arm wrestle or somethin'?" Akagi jokes, completely ignoring the ominous atmosphere. The other members sweat violently, they think they might pass out from anxiety.

"You're suggestin' an arm wrestle? Fine." Kita responds, walking towards a nearby table and sitting down.

"Oh dear..." Y/N mumbles.

Akagi sweat-drops as he sits down in the seat opposite to Kita, who is glaring at him with an unreadable expression.

"Shinsuke... y'know you don't hafta do this..."

"You suggested we arm wrestle, so we will." Kita states matter-of-factly, scowling at Akagi.

"This isn't gonna end well..." Y/N whispers to Ginjima, who only sighs in response, he knows everyone else will get dragged into this somehow.

Sighing once again, Akagi props his elbow onto the table and holds out his hand, waiting for Kita take it so they can begin their match.

"Ready, go." Oomimi calls out in a monotone.


'??? He's so weak??' Akagi mentally questions, completely shocked. He already knew Kita was weak but... seeing his whole arm tremble against Akagi's unmoving hand was almost too sad.

Everyone sweat-drops as they watch Kita shake uncontrollably, starting to sweat as he does his best to push Akagi's hand down. It doesn't even move.

Akagi just stares at Kita, perplexed and sympathetic. Taking pity on his struggling, he quickly slams his hand down to end his suffering. Everyone sighs in relief, it's finally over.

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