Chapter 1: Routines

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Y/N somehow manages to wake up on her fourth alarm, she seriously considers waiting for the sixth but eventually decides against it. Sluggishly, she pulls out her phone to check her social media. As she squints at the bright screen, she leisurely scrolls through her Instagram feed until she's interrupted by a message from Suna telling her to get off her phone and get ready.

'Creep' she messages back, but proceeds to drag herself out of bed anyway.

A soft glow of light seeps through her curtains as she steadily works through her morning routine, the rest of her family begin to wake up as well. After greeting her parents to be polite, she continues her preparations for the day, not bothering to converse with her siblings.

Once she's ready to go, she promptly leaves the house to get to her bus stop. A cool breeze blows through the street and she can't help but enjoy the weather. The cool Spring morning welcomes the cafes and stores as they begin to open for business, and despite the many people scurrying around, it feels oddly calm and serene.

Y/N knows this won't last.

Letting out a sigh, she mentally prepares herself for the day.

'Atsumu and Osamu will do their best to annoy me all day, and Suna and Ginjima will do absolutely nothing to help me.' She thinks, already imagining Suna's emotionless face and Ginjima's sheepishly apologetic smile. Stopping momentarily in her thoughts, she brings out her phone to take a picture of some Sakura trees.

'Kita-senpai will scold me for not wearing a scarf and keeping warm, again.' She thinks, tucking her phone away. Although she's touched that he cares, she had no problem with the weather, preferring to keep cool rather than hot.

As her bus pulls up at her stop, she gets on and resumes her thoughts. 'Oomimi-senpai and Ojiro-senpai will probably try to keep the twins in order, and will fail miserably. And Akagi-senpai will-'


Y/N snaps out of her thoughts as she looks over to the boy that called her name. Akagi smiles at her from his seat on the bus, beckoning her over to sit with him. She smiles softly at him and walks over.

"Good morning, Akagi-senpai." She greets, sitting down beside him.

"Mornin' Y/N-chan!" He smiles brightly at her, she almost squints at his sunny smile.

"How are you so energetic in the morning...? I just want to sleep and never wake up..." She mumbles. Akagi lets out an overdramatic, scandalised gasp as he stares at her in distraught, Y/N almost rolls her eyes.

"How couldja say that Y/N-chan?? Wouldn'tcha miss us??"

"Akagi-senpai keep it down." She scolds. "You're going to disturb the other passengers. And how could I miss you if I'm asleep? So obviously I wouldn't."

"...You coulda at least pretend to miss me a little..." Akagi mumbles, pouting. 'It's times like this when I think she's too similar to Shinsuke...'

Looking over at him, Y/N smiles softly before patting his shoulder. "I can't do that, I'd be lying."

Akagi recoils like he's been stabbed. Clutching his heart, he's about to complain until Y/N interrupts him.

"It'd be a lie to say I'd miss you a little... because I'd miss you a lot."

Akagi nearly falls out of his seat. He clutches his heart even harder, beginning to tear up as he latches onto Y/N and hugs her tightly. Y/N awkwardly returns his sudden hug.

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