Chapter 26: Until We Meet Again

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A/N:  Pfft- why are you all so scared about what's going to happen in this chapter? :) You worried about angst? :) Do you really think I'm that kind of person? :)

Anyway, nice reminder that Ginjima was the last one to touch the ball before Inarizaki lost the match haha hope this made you smile 💖

Interhigh National Tournament
Day 5 – Finals

"C'mon L/N-chan! Quickly! We'll be able to see 'em clearly here!"

"Kagawa-chan don't run!"

Y/N speed walks after Kagawa and Inoue as they try to quickly get good seats for the Awards Ceremony, wanting to get a good view and take nice pictures of the team. Mumbling apologies, Y/N does her best to dodge the crowds as she tries to keep up with the other managers.

Finally making it to the main stadium, Y/N breathes out a sigh of relief for making it in time, glad she didn't miss anything. All 56 representative schools from across Japan are already lined up in the stadium waiting for the Awards Ceremony to commence.

"So this is the Awards Ceremony... Feels so surreal..." Inoue mutters, staring at the teams in awe. "Are they just gonna award the victors of the Boy's and Girl's division or is there more?"

"Ehh kind of." Y/N shrugs, taking a seat near the front. "They congratulate the victors first, then awards are given to the best 6 players, and 30 outstanding players and 2 outstanding liberos."

"Ohh yeah, I remember it from last year, it was crazy~" Kagawa laughs.

"Damn... I sure hope someone on our team gets somethin'..." Inoue says.

Y/N chuckles, smiling as she looks at her team, standing proudly in the stadium.

"I don't doubt 'em at all."

"And now, I present this award to the victors, Boy's Division. Tokyo Prefecture Representative, Itachiyama Academy. Concluding the National High School Volleyball Tournament, otherwise known as Interhigh Tournament, your team has emerged victorious. I present you this award in acknowledgement of your commendable performance."

The host hands the certificate over to Iizuna as he graciously bows and accepts, while Nagaoka accepts the trophy. Y/N watches as they award each of the Itachiyama's members a medal, smiling slightly for them. They deserve it afterall.

"To praise all teams for their wonderful performances, I'd like to ask the audience to give them another big round of applause."

The audience applauses loudly for all the teams as they stand proudly, some hardcore Inarizaki fans start chanting the team name over and over again as Y/N hides her face from the onlookers. Kagawa laughs at her as she pats her shoulder, joining in on the fanchants as Y/N tries her hardest to disappear. At least this encouraged the other team's fans to start chanting the names of other teams.

"We will now award the individual players of each division, awards are given to the best 6 players, and 30 outstanding players and 2 outstanding liberos. We will now announce the awards for the Girl's division."

"Oh boy, I'm startin' to get nervous now." Kagawa mutters as they watch the girls graciously accept their awards. "I'm not even a player and I'm nervous... I can't imagine how they're feelin' right now."

"Kagawa-san... don't say that... my heart is pounding with nerves right now." Inoue breathes out, clutching her bag as she watches with her eyes wide open, waiting for the Boy's awards.

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