Chapter 17: In Due Time

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Tokyo AniArt Convention!
Artist Alley Applications Out Now!

Y/N stares at her screen in excitement, breathing heavily as she tries to organise her jumbled mess of a brain.

'Oh my gosh... Artist Alley applications are open now... this is my chance...!' Quickly filling out the forms and creating her portfolio, Y/N grins in excitement. Opportunities like this don't come often, and she finally has a chance at being accepted.

So why is she hesitating?

'What would my parents say...?'

Y/N's smile drops as she grimaces a little, they wouldn't let her. They'd definitely be against it. 'I'd be disappointing them again...'

Sighing heavily, Y/N closes her laptop and faceplants onto her pillow. She pouts as she looks up at her fox plushie, sighing again as she rolls over and hugs it tightly.

"Ina-kyun... What should I do...?" She mumbles sadly, losing motivation to do anything as she continues to lie there. 'Should I call someone? Maybe I'll know what to do if I talked to someone... but who to call?'

Slowly taking out her phone, Y/N blankly scrolls through her contacts. The obvious choices would be one of the second years since they understand her the best. But they're probably all too rash and immature to give good advice, especially Atsumu. So maybe a third year?

Kita's approach might be too mature, and honestly, she's too scared to find out what he might think or suggest. She's not really close to Ojiro, and it's probably safer to not get roasted alive by Oomimi, so there's only one person left.

Y/N hesitantly takes out Akagi's phone number, should she really be looking for advice? Wouldn't it be better to just silently accept her parents wishes?

Does she really want to live this way?

Pressing the call button, Y/N nervously waits for Akagi to pick up.

"Hello? Y/N-chan? What's up?"

"Akagi-senpai... are you free at the moment?" She asks hesitantly, making Akagi concerned.

"Yeah I am, is there somethin' wrong? D'ya wanna meet up at the park?"

"No I- Umm... Yeah, that'd be nice."

"Alright, I'll be there soon!"

Y/N facepalms as he hangs up. She agreed to meet up on impulse but... What's she going to say to her parents?

"Mum, dad, I'm gonna run some errands for club... Like getting' extra bandages 'n stuff... Since it's Interhigh in a few days..." Y/N trails off, feeling guilty for lying to them, but there's no way they'd let her leave the house otherwise.

Her mum raises her eyebrow at her questioningly, scowling a little before sighing. "...Alright, come home soon."

Silently sighing in relief, Y/N quickly slips out of her house and walks towards the park nearby, it's a blessing that she and Akagi live in the same area. Out of habit, she nervously glances behind herself every now and then.

Stuffing her hands in her pockets, Y/N keeps her eyes trained on the floor, ignoring the strangers around her as they enjoy the nice Summer day.

'I really want to apply...' Y/N thinks bitterly. 'It's an amazing opportunity for me, I could learn so much from this. I could be getting closer to my dreams...'

'But why am I only thinking about what's better for me?'

Akagi's already waiting for her at the park, quickly noticing her and smiling. "Y/N-chan! Over here!"

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