Chapter 58: Preparations

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'How's camp so far?'

Y/N stops sketching in her sketchbook as she glances at her phone, looking at the notification before unlocking her phone.

"Who is it?" Kagawa asks curiously as Y/N glances up at her.

"Oh, it's just someone-"

Suddenly, the two girls hear distant stomping outside their door until Suna suddenly bursts in, sweating and panting as he slams the door open, scaring them.

Kagawa yelps in fear before instantly becoming concerned. "What's wro- Wait a minute, yer not allowed in here! Get out!"

Taking one last deep breath, Suna turns to them blankly. "I apologise, I just sensed something."

Y/N and Kagawa watch Suna as he slowly starts to turn around to leave, feigning nonchalance. Just as he's about to take a step, he suddenly lunges towards Y/N and grabs her phone, sprinting down the corridor as Y/N instantly jumps up and starts chasing after him.


Suna sprints as fast as he can to the boy's dorm and slams the door behind him before Y/N can make it there.

"Hold the door!" He says as the twins move over and lean on the door, keeping it shut as Y/N tries to push it open.

"You guys are... so dead..." Y/N wheezes out as she tries to catch her breath.

"You sound like yer dead." Atsumu fires back as Y/N feels her patience wearing thin. Taking a few more deep breaths, Y/N calms herself as she stands up straight and knocks on the door.

"I'm gonna count to three." Y/N says calmly, causing fear to suddenly shoot through their systems.


Atsumu and Osamu start frantically looking at each other as they start to sweat.


"'S-Samu." Atsumu whispers as Osamu nods quickly.


The twins dive into the bathroom, locking the door behind them as they leave Suna stranded, with only a door between him and Y/N.

"IT'S SUNA'S FAULT!" Atsumu yells from the bathroom as Y/N pays him no mind and opens the door.

Y/N locks eyes with Suna as he stares up at her with wide eyes, curled up on the floor as he holds her phone out to her, arm shaking slightly.

"Please don't kill me, I'm too young to die, I haven't even gotten any dirt on Kita-san yet." Suna mumbles out in fear, not even blinking as she calmly takes her phone from his hand. "I don't have a job yet, I haven't contributed to the economy-"

Suna instantly shuts up as soon as Y/N smiles.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad." She says as she smiles fakely, making Suna nearly pass out in fear.

"Please, I have children-"

"Oh, do you now?" Y/N asks eerily as he nods rapidly. "And where are these children you speak of?"

"...They're hiding in the bathroom-"


"'TSUMU!" Osamu slaps his hand over Atsumu mouth as he scowls at him. "We're not even Suna's kids??"

"Oh yeah." Atsumu mumbles out.

"So you have two kids in the bathroom?" Y/N asks as the twins look at each other, alarmed.

"Yes, they're right in there." Suna nods eagerly as he finally feels himself breathing a little easier. "They're just playing hide and seek."

"Oh really? And since they're yer kids, they'll come out if you tell 'em to, right?"

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