Chapter 47: Love

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"The thing is Atsumu, when it comes to the love of the game... that flame burns a bit brighter in you than in me, y'know?"

"Nice serve!"

Riseki spins the ball in his hands as he concentrates, tossing it into the air as he sends over a powerful serve. In an instant, Kyoku shifts over and barely manages to get it up.

"Hnng-!" Kyoku grunts as the ball bounces away, sighing as Riseki cheers.


"Dammit Riseki! Yer gettin' so good at serving it's starting to piss me off!" Kyoku groans as Riseki laughs.

"Well, you're receives are also improving heaps, Kyoku-kun." Kagawa smiles as she shows them her notebook. "Both of you have been improving heaps these past few weeks, I'm super impressed!"


"I kinda wanna improve more though..." Riseki mumbles as he thinks to himself. "But I don't know who I should ask to help me..."

"Why not Atsumu-kun?" Kagawa asks as Riseki and Kyoku instantly start vigorously shaking their heads.

"Nope, nope."

"Aww c'mon, why not?"

"...He's scary." Riseki whispers as the three of them discreetly glance at Atsumu who's doing serving drills on the other court.

"Yeah, and askin' him for help will just boost his ego..." Kyoku mutters as he sighs. "I kinda wish Akagi-san stopped by the club more... I wanna learn from him!"

"I can help ya with that." Ginjima interrupts as the three of them glance at him. "Sure I'm not as great a receiver as Akagi, but I think I'm pretty stable in terms of receives."

"G-Ginjima-san!" Kyoku gasps as his eyes start sparkling.

"As for you Riseki, if ya don't wanna ask Atsumu, why not ask Osamu? His serves are really good too." Ginjima says as Riseki perks up slightly, but hesitates. Sensing his hesitation, Ginjima chuckles as he pats him on the shoulder. "How 'bout I ask Osamu for ya?"


Shaking her head, Kagawa walks over to the other court that Y/N is overlooking, nudging her and gesturing to Ginjima and the first years. "I think all the first years are in love with Gin."

"Well yeah, who else would they be in love with? Atsumu?" Y/N mutters sarcastically as Atsumu instantly turns around and glares at her.




The Inarizaki team sweat drops at this as they sigh. Just another ordinary day.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Atsumu huffs in frustration as he repeatedly bangs his head on the table while Suna sits beside him scrolling through his phone in a bored manner. Now that they're in their final term as second years, they have to take their studies seriously for their final exams.

The studying process would be much easier if they weren't so reluctant to do their homework. The only person actually doing their work properly in Ginjima, who for saw this situation and brought noise cancelation headphones while Y/N finds her patience slowly starting to drain as Atsumu continues banging his head on the table. Just before she's about to tell him off, Osamu kicks him under the table.

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