Chapter 28: Atsumu and Y/N

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Approximately 1 year and 4 months earlier...

Inarizaki High School
April 2011

"Hello, my name is L/N Y/N, I'll be joinin' as a manager. Please take care of me." Y/N bows as the rest of the club members clap, welcoming her. A girl with short silver hair stands beside her, grinning as she introduces herself as well.

"Hi! My name's Kagawa Ginko, I look forward to bein' yer manager!" Bowing quickly, Kagawa excitedly glances at Y/N, smiling cheerfully at her as Y/N smiles politely in response. She didn't come here to make friends.

"So why'dja decide to join L/N-chan?" Kagawa asks her excitedly as they help pack up after the first day.

"I was on the volleyball team in middle school, but bein' a player isn't for me." Y/N shrugs in disinterest, not wanting to be rude. While her explanation is partially true, she can't tell Kagawa that her main reason is to impress her parents with the high status of the club, and to find an excuse to stay away from home.

"Oh wow! That's so cool!" Kagawa exclaims. "I was the manager back in middle school, so I thought it'd be nice to continue! I really look forward to spendin' time with you and the rest of the team!"

"Ah, thank you. The feeling is mutual." Y/N responds politely before turning back to continue packing up. Deflating slightly, Kagawa sighs to herself as she continues to pack up as well, respecting Y/N's boundaries. It'll take a while for them to warm up to each other.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

After spending a few weeks with the Inarizaki team, Y/N's formed her own opinions about a few of the fellow first years that she's run into a few too many times.

Kagawa Ginko is sweet.

Suna Rintarou is shy.

Miya Osamu is a gentleman.

And Miya Atsumu is a jerk.

Y/N sighs for the hundredth time as she watches Atsumu ignore instructions once again to practise his setting during break time. Usually she wouldn't have an issue with this, preferring to keep to herself and avoid confrontation. But Coach Kurosu had asked her specifically to make sure Atsumu doesn't overwork. Too bad he's too much of a conceited jerk to listen to anyone.

"Miya-san, it's break time now." She says, walking up to him on the court as he continues his setting drills. He rolls his eyes and ignores her, pretending that he didn't hear her.

"Miya-san." She repeats, blank faced as always, steady and unwavering. "Coach Kurosu asked me to ensure that you don't overwork. Please take a break like the rest of your teammates."

Atsumu stops in his drills temporarily, hitting the ball on the floor in front of her as he glares. She doesn't even flinch.

"Leave me alone Manager-chan... I know what I'm doin'." He mutters, going to pick up the ball to resume his drills. Before he can even touch it, she picks it up herself and puts it back in the volleyball cart.

"Please call me by my name, it's L/N Y/N if you've forgotten." She says simply, turning to drag the volleyball cart away from him.

"Oi! Don't tell me what to do." Atsumu scowls, running over to grab the cart to stop her. "Whaddya even know anyways, huh? Yer just a manager."

Y/N shrugs at this. "Perhaps I am, but it seems like I know more than you."

"Huh?! Like what?"

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