Chapter 31: Love/Expectations

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"Hello L/N Y/N,

Thank you for your patience. We are very excited to inform you that your Artist Alley Application for Tokyo AniArt Convention 2012 has been successfully accepted! Congratulations!

The next stage of proceedings will be going into more detail about payments and Invoices which are required for your place in the Alley to be locked in. You will hear from us shortly about that. But for now, take the time to get excited!

We look forward to seeing you at the Tokyo AniArt 2012 Artist Alley!

Congratulations again!"

Y/N stares at her phone screen in shock, trying to process what she just read. Did she read that right?

Rereading the email over and over again, it takes Y/N a few minutes for the words to fully register and the shock to slightly dissipate, finally accepting that it's not a hallucination.

'But wait, it could be a prank.'

Y/N rereads the email one more time just to make sure. Once she's certain that it's real, she finally allows herself to smile, letting out a relieved sigh.

"It's happening!" She cheers, grabbing her fox plushie and squeezing it tightly. "It's finally happening! I'm goin' to Tokyo! I... needa start orderin' more prints and start looking into transportation and accommodation."

Instantly getting back to her laptop, Y/N starts researching for cheap options, knowing that her parents probably wouldn't help her with anything.

'Oh wait... my parents...'

Grimacing, Y/N groans as she facepalms. They still have no idea she applied.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

"I'm just runnin' some errands for the club, I'll be back soon." Y/N calls as she slips out the front door, heading to the park close to her house. She's gotten too used to lying, but there's no other way to leave the house.

Letting out a sigh, Y/N shoves her hands into her pockets as she listens to the buzzing of the street. Now that they're in the second half of Autumn, it'll be getting significantly colder soon.

Once she arrives at the park, she finds Osamu already waiting there for her, sitting boredly on the bench as he scrolls through his phone. Sensing her presence, he glances up at her once she approaches.

"Yer late." He deadpans as she rolls her eyes.

"You're sayin' that like it's unusual." Plopping down on the seat beside him, Y/N glances around the park. "How'd you manage to lose Atsumu? I'm surprised he didn't decide to tag along."

"He wanted to, but don't worry, he's not coming."

"Sounds ominous, what'd you do?"

Osamu smirks slightly. "I may or may not have left some volleyballs lying around the house... and a few dirty socks too."


"Told mum it was 'Tsumu, s'not like she'd believe him if he said otherwise." Osamu shrugs innocently. "So yeah, he's grounded."

"Sounds terrible, I approve." Y/N chuckles. "Sooo... What didja want to talk about...?"

"Well..." He starts, avoiding eye contact.



"Osamu, what is it?" She deadpans. "I've been anxious ever since you said you wanted to talk about something, and I've already gone through the seven stages of grief because of it."

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