Chapter 42: The Promised Place

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Spring Interhigh National Tournament
Day 2 – Second Round

"Shouldn't you be warmin' up and preparin' for yer first match, Sakusa?" Y/N asks as they make their way to the baggage storage area.

Glancing at her, Sakusa shrugs slightly. "My match isn't for a while since it's later in the day, so it'll be fine."

"What team are you versin'?"

"Ohya Tech High." Sakusa answers simply. "I'm sure we'll be fine."

"I don't doubt you at all." Y/N chuckles. "You sure are confident though, I was also pretty certain that we'd have no issues..."

"The truth of the matter, is that no one's victory is guaranteed. In sports, the results are incredibly unpredictable, no matter how hard we train and prepare. Sometimes, the 'better', more popular team doesn't win." Sakusa says simply. "Still... regardless of the end result, you team played well, and you were all well-prepared. I think that's more than enough reason to be satisfied."

Dwelling on his words for a little, Y/N thinks to herself.

"That's a nice way to look at it..." Y/N says after a while. "But I also think, regardless of circumstances or results, anyone can feel frustrated and upset, even if there isn't a reason to. People can't help how they feel afterall."

Sakusa blinks a few times as he tries to process her words. "...I see."

Opening the door, Y/N and Sakusa enter the baggage storage area to find the Inarizaki second years still lounging around. Glancing up, Suna boredly looks over to them and turns back to his phone, before doing a double-take and dropping his phone on his face.


The others get startled by Suna's sudden outburst and glance up as well, blinking in surprise as they silently make eye contact with each other. Y/N rolls her eyes as she walks over to them, Sakusa following behind in disinterest.

"Hello my fellow teammates, I have returned as promised." Y/N deadpans as they quickly make room for her to sit down with them. "Rintarou, close yer mouth, you'll catch flies."

"Whaddya doin' here, Sakusa?" Atsumu asks as Sakusa shrugs.

"None of your business, Miya."

"They have secrets..." Suna whispers under his breath as they all ignore him.

"Ah, I ran into Sakusa while fillin' up the water bottles and yeah." Y/N explains as her teammates nod very slowly, watching Sakusa's every move with extra attention to detail.

Ignoring their scrutinising gazes, Sakusa calmly takes off Y/N's bag and carefully hands it to her.

"Ah- thanks."

"It's alright." Sakusa nods. "I'll be taking my leave now, before Komori starts calling me for information on my whereabouts."

"Wait-!" Suna blurts out as they all turn to him. "...Do you want to come to our team lunch?"

"What the hell man?" Atsumu whispers as Sakusa tilts his head in confusion.

"...I go to Itachiyama Academy."


Rolling her eyes, Y/N lets out a sigh as she turns to Sakusa. "Sorry 'bout him, just ignore whatever weird thing he spews out of his mouth... Thanks for walkin' me back."

"It's alright... I'll see you later then." Sakusa nods slowly as he walks away, the five Inarizaki students watching his every movement as he leaves. Once he leaves, Y/N elbows Suna in the side.

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