Chapter 54: Let The Games Begin

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Y/N blankly stares ahead, not processing anything as the hum of the bus buzzes in the background. Life would be so much easier if she simply did not think.

Vaguely aware of the chatter in the background, Y/N ignores it all as she stares ahead at nothing. Noticing her unusual silence, Suna glances up from his phone as he looks at her, sighing as he puts his phone down.

"This silence is different from your usual silence." Suna comments quietly as she glances at him. "Did something happen?"

"...Nope." Y/N mutters in response.

"Oh really? I find that hard to believe." Suna replies quietly as she shrugs.

"'Kay then."

Suna pauses for a moment as he thinks. "What did you talk about with Sakusa?"

"I thought you were listening." Y/N mutters.

"I was, but then I got too busy watching Atsumu terrorise that first year." Suna shrugs lazily. "Soooo... what did you two talk about?"

"Nothing of interest."

"But I'm interested~"

"Too bad." Y/N deadpans as Suna smirks lazily.

"Hmm... so it's a secret huh? That's fine~ I'll just assume you're too shy to tell me~"

Y/N scowls at him as she sighs and averts eye contact. "Well... he did say he'd take me around Tokyo one day since you guys wouldn't..."

"OHOHOHO??" Suna exclaims as he abruptly turns to her, eyes sparkling as she backs away in concern. "He said that did he?? Then why are we heading back to Hyogo now?? Turn the bus around! We need to get back to Tokyo!"

"Rintarou shut up!" Y/N groans as she grabs him and whispers. "Can't you keep quiet??"

"Ohh right right, secretive voices, got it." Suna nods seriously. "So when's your date?"

"We're not going on a date!" Y/N whisper groans as she facepalms. "We don't even like each other that way!"

"Are you sure about that?"


'Why are you embarrassed? Everything he said is true.'

"...Yes." Y/N nods stiffly.

"Why the hesitation?" Suna asks smugly. "You having a change of heart?"

"No, I'm not."

"Ah that's true." Suna nods along as he smirks. "Your heart didn't change, you're just realising your true feelings."


"Don't bother trying to deny it, you know I don't listen to you anyway~"

"...You're so annoyin'." Y/N mutters as Suna smiles at her and ruffles her hair.

"Of course~"

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

"Ah- L/N-chan!" Kagawa calls as Y/N turns around and looks at her. "Sorry um, I'm gonna miss practise today, needa prepare for those tests tomorrow..."

"Oh, alright then." Y/N nods as Kagawa smiles sheepishly.

"Sorry... it's just really hard trying to balance studies and the club..." Kagawa trails off. "It's even harder coz we're in third year now..."

"No it's alright, I get it." Y/N smiles slightly. "I'll let them know, don't worry they'll understand."

"Thanks..." Kagawa smiles gratefully. 'I hope you're doing well.' 'Take care of yourself.' 'Good work today.' Not knowing what to say, Kagawa shakes her head slightly as she backs away. "I'll see you later."

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