Chapter 10: Itachiyama Volleyball Club

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Itachiyama – Inarizaki Practise Match – First Set
Itachiyama [9 – 7] Inarizaki

"Give us a nice serve, Atsumu!"

The practise match is already intense, with few mistakes being made. That's to be expected from the two powerhouse schools. Atsumu sends over a powerful spike serve, it's caught by Komori in the last second and another long rally begins.

Itachiyama, at its core, is a simple team. Rather than focusing on complex team plays, they present their iconic style through powerful individuality, focusing on the strengths of each individual member. They're structured, orderly, built upon the strong foundations of each player.

"Chance ball!"

"Kyaa!! Miya-senpai!" "Aran!" "Sakusa-senpai!" "Suna!" "OSAMUUU!!"

Y/N's concentration briefly breaks as she becomes irritated by the fans, she appreciates their support, but can't they shut up during the rallies?? Unfortunately, she's gotten used to the interruptions.

Itachiyama [17 – 14] Inarizaki

Ojiro blasts through with an amazing cut-shot, taking Itachiyama's blockers off-guard. Sighing in relief, Y/N really hopes that Suna's engine will get warmed up soon, they really need him right around now.

Itachiyama [24 – 22] Inarizaki

The squeaking of the sneakers on the gym floor resonates through the gym, along with the cheers of the members and the fans, luckily the fans are starting to calm down a little. Caught in the moment, Y/N finds herself focusing on Itachiyama's ace, Sakusa. How could she not?

His spikes are powerful and swift, his beautiful form refined from years of experience and practise. He's elegant, the way he soars into the air with such intense focus and concentration, the way he swiftly spikes the ball with an incredible spin, ever graceful. It's no wonder why they've chosen him as their ace.


Sakusa spikes again, it's an incredibly straight spike that heads straight towards Osamu, bouncing off his arms at an unpredictable angle.

'That was so beautiful...!' Y/N thinks, eyes sparkling in awe at Sakusa's magnificent spike, any volleyball fan would be completely mesmerised. Seeing this, Atsumu rolls his eyes and bonks her on the head, snapping her out of her trance.

"Don't go all heart-eyes for the enemy just 'coz they did somethin' cool." He scowls, pointing to the scoreboard. "You should be mad since we just lost the set."

"Atsumu, don't go 'round callin' the opposin' team the 'enemy', that's immature." Kita scolds, shaking his head in disappointment.

"...Soz' Kita-san." Atsumu mumbles sheepishly before turning back to Y/N. She rolls her eyes in exasperation.

"If even you can admit he's cool, then he must be absolutely amazin'."

"Who's amazing? Sakusa? Yes, I agree. Tell me more." Suna pipes in, hijacking the conversation. Pausing briefly, Y/N makes eye-contact with Atsumu, mentally questioning what's wrong with Suna.

"...I'm startin' to think that you like Sakusa..." Y/N mumbles, squinting at Suna in accusation. Scrunching his face up in disgust, Suna takes out his water bottle and takes a drink, spitting out the water for dramatic effect.

Using her reflexes, Y/N ducks and pulls Atsumu in front of her to use him as a shield, Suna's spit water sprays onto him. "Rintarou, that's disgusting."

"Not as disgustin' as gettin' Suna's spit water on you! How couldja betray me like that N/N??" Atsumu whines, wiping his face on his jersey.

"You'll live." She deadpans. "Plus, I'm sure your fans like what they see, now that you're literally drippin' in good looks."

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