Chapter 49: Endings and Beginnings

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"I'm gonna go buy my books for this year." Y/N says as she puts her shoes on at the front of the house.

"Come home soon." Her mother calls after her as she swiftly leaves, making her way down the street as she glances around, alert. She wouldn't put it past the immature boys to try jump scare her on the street.

After a few minutes of walking, Y/N makes it to the nearby park that they had all agreed to meet at, only to find that they are nowhere in sight.

'Ah, they're totally trying to jump scare me.' Y/N internally deadpans as she slowly makes her way to a bench and puts her bag down.

Sensing movement behind her, Y/N quickly ducks down as a volleyball flies over her head, turning around to sees Osamu quickly run behind a tree that totally does a good job at hiding his body.

Groaning, Y/N's just about to tell him off before she sees Atsumu start Naruto-running towards her from the corner of her eye.

"AHHH!!!" Atsumu yells as he charges towards her. Rolling her eyes, Y/N grabs the strap of her bag as she swings it around, aiming for his head. Unfortunately for her, Atsumu has athletic reflexes and promptly dodges her attack.

Just as he's about to tackle her, Osamu runs up from the side and tackles Atsumu to the ground.

"Ackguh-!" Atsumu winces as he skids on the grass, groaning from the pain of Osamu's attack. "'Samu! Why'dja attack me like that??"

"I was protectin' N/N." Osamu says seriously as he quickly gets off the floor and pats down his pants.

"Didn'tcha just throw a volleyball at me?" Y/N deadpans as Osamu avoids eye contact.

"I would do no such thing."

"He totally did N/N!" Atsumu accuses as he quickly jumps up, pointing at Osamu. "He tried to attack ya!"

"Throwing a volleyball and tackling are two completely different things, Atsumu." Y/N facepalms as she sighs. "I could have died."

"Exactly, 'Tsumu." Osamu nods along. "I had to protect our precious manager from a monster... Even though that monster is my own brother..."

"Am I watching a live action drama?" Suna asks as he approaches them with Ginjima. "I have to say though, the male leads look kind of lame."


"Why are we already fightin'...?" Ginjima sighs tiredly as his shoulders slump. "We're gonna be third years next week... And nothing's changed..."

"Are things meant to change?" Y/N asks in disinterest as she shrugs. "We're just gonna be a year older, that's it. Though I guess we hafta be a bit more responsible now that we're the senpais..."

"Yes! Responsible!" Ginjima exclaims.

"We're gonna be the senpais, huh?" Atsumu repeats as he strokes his chin in thought. "I wonder what kinda first years we're gonna get..."

"Tall and good since we're pretty short and we need good players." Suna says. "But not too good because I want to be on the court as well."

"Aww didja hear that? He wants to be on the court! Rintarou's growin' up!" Y/N teases as Suna rolls his eyes.


"Can we eat yet?" Osamu asks boredly. "I had to wrestle a monster so I'm hungry now."

"'Samu!" Atsumu whines as they start dragging him towards their intended location.

"Can we take the bus this time? I don't want to walk." Suna mumbles as Y/N rolls her eyes.

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