Chapter 38: Challengers

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Spring Interhigh National Tournament
Day 1 – First Round

"Riseki-kun, you look like yer about to throw up." Y/N deadpans as she stops to look at him. Once the opening ceremony closed, Coach Kurosu and Coach Oomi decided to take the team back to the gym to get some extra practise while the first matches began, since the teams that most of the players wanted to watch were later in the day.

"I- I'm not gonna throw up!" Riseki declares as he shakes uncontrollably, causing Y/N to sweat drop.

"Right... You can take a break if you want, we're gonna pack up soon anyway so we can go watch some matches." Y/N says as Riseki nods along, listening to her every word. "...I think you should take a break."

"If you think I should, then I will!"

Y/N smiles as Riseki stiffly starts to walk away, before halting in his steps and turning to her sheepishly.

"...What do I do now?"

"You can help me out if you wanna." Y/N says as he brightens up.


~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Arriving at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium once again, the Inarizaki team enters the building with an air of confidence, easily gaining everyone's attention. Coach Kurosu turns to the team as he gets their attention.

"Yer all free to do whatever you want, whether it be spending the whole time in the food court or checkin' out the stalls. Oomi and I'll be watchin' some matches so we'll be on call if ya need us." He says as they all nod along. "And don't cause any trouble."

"Coach, do we ever-aCK!" Atsumu gets elbowed by Osamu as Y/N facepalms.

"I'll keep an eye on Atsumu I guess..." Y/N mutters as the coaches sigh in relief.

"Thanks Y/N, we knew we could count on you."

"Yep, later~" Suna chimes as he and Osamu quickly run away from her, leaving Y/N to stare at them with dead eyes before slowly turning to Ginjima who laughs sheepishly.

"...It's not that I don't wanna help you..." Ginjima starts as Y/N continues staring at him, unimpressed. "...But someone has to look after those two, so haha bye!"

Y/N and Atsumu watch as Ginjima runs off in the same direction as Suna and Osamu, leaving them behind as the first years also start to disperse and the third years remain talking amongst themselves. Turning to Atsumu, Y/N scowls at him.

"This is your fault."


Ignoring him, Y/N sighs to herself as she takes the booklet to look through the current matches and the timetable. Atsumu quickly shuts up as he looks over her shoulder to read as well, tilting his head slightly before gasping slightly and pointing to the page.

"Karasuno! That's the team Tobio-kun's playin' on! Their game's goin' on now so let's check 'em out!" Atsumu says as Y/N chuckles slightly.

"Alright, sounds like a plan. Let's go see how Tobio's team is~"

"Karasuno puts it away!! Their lethal weapon is back! Hinata and Kageyama! The first year duo unleashes their Quick Attack!"

"We were finally able to witness it."

"The middle blocker who scored just now, Hinata Shouyou, stands at a mere 164cm. Normally, the middle blocker position is only played by the tallest of athletes, and yet... In this year's tournament, 164cm is the shortest height amongst all the attackers!"

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