47 | how deep is your love?

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"I'm glad you decided to join us

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"I'm glad you decided to join us." Dad has said that at least three times now since I've been going over these contracts. He paces around his desk, hands behind his back like he can't keep them still otherwise. "We might even leave early to have a small family vacation beforehand."

"Sounds good," I mutter and flip through another page riddled with legal technicalities. I sign my name at the bottom of another agreement. Typically, I'd have my lawyer going over these with me, but with recent events, I'm not willing to trust anyone but myself.

"Your mother is so pleased. If only Tyler could come with us, it'd be a true family vacation."

I feign a laugh. "Sure." Tyler is the last person I want to think about. As is Rory. They're the last people I ever want to give my attention to. They've already stolen so much of my life. It's time I focus on myself.

"You seem bothered, son. Are the contracts concerning?"

"No. They're fine." They're more than fine. The amount of shares they're willing to give me this early on is mind-boggling. I'm sure, in a way, he just wants to make this deal as sweet as possible to keep me by his side. His willing pet. In the grand scheme of it all, even my father is not someone I can put my trust in.

Everyone wants something from me. It's about time I start taking things for myself.

"I was surprised you made a decision so quickly. I was certain you'd need more time to think about it considering your relationship." When I don't answer, he adjusts his collar a bit. He's nervous? When has my dad ever been nervous? "I'm assuming they told you the truth?"

I lower the contracts and slowly raise my gaze to his. "Is there something you want me to know?" My tone is harsher than I intend, but it doesn't phase him. His mind is elsewhere. Clearly, on the subject of the two people he knows I don't want to talk about.

"I was going to show you the video the other day, but it seems you've been distancing yourself from your girlfriend and your brother."


"I'm so sorry, son." He halts and shakes his head like he's under some emotional stress. "Never in a million years would I think your brother would take advantage of you being gone like that."

I toss my pen on top of the contracts with fire at my fingertips. "What video, Dad? Be more specific, will you? I've had a pretty rough week with people keeping things from me."

The corners of his eyes crinkle. My attitude is something he never tolerates, but as of late, I'm not too keen on pleasing anyone. He can threaten to hit me if he wants. I need a reason to let off steam. "You're hurt," he concludes in a grim tone. "I can see that. That is the only reason I'm letting you talk to me this way."

Sighing, I pick up the contracts and lean back on his sofa. "I thought you had something useful to say."

His nostrils flare. "Chace."

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