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"Remind me again why we're in such a rush to meet your brother's girlfriend?" Jeffery's voice is soft and tired as he sits on my bed across the room

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"Remind me again why we're in such a rush to meet your brother's girlfriend?" Jeffery's voice is soft and tired as he sits on my bed across the room. "I'd much rather have alone time while she's gone. Wouldn't you?"

I give him a flat look over my shoulder before proceeding to spray on a bit of cologne. "What's the fun in that? Plus, with Chace gone, I want to keep a close eye on her while she's going out to potentially break the law by drinking."

"Wait. He's gone gone?" The question is abrupt.

"Yeah." Casual and calm. I straighten my shirt out, preparing to mask my guilt, before turning to witness his hostile stare. "Chandler took him on a business trip."

"You and Rory are here alone? For how long?"

I close the space between us to lean over him, placing my fists heavily into the mattress. "You know we aren't dating, right?"

"I'm allowed to be jealous."

"There's nothing to be jealous of, Jeff. If you want, come over every single day. I don't care. Nothing is going to happen between me and my brother's girlfriend. Even if I was interested, which I'm not, she's not interested in me. Like at all."

He mocks me with a venomous sneer. "Seems like you're a bit disappointed by that."

Placing my forehead against his, I exhale my exasperations. "I've slept with a ton of girls and guys since I've met you. Why are you concerned about the one girl I'm not sleeping with, who's in a relationship?"

"It's because you're not sleeping with her. That's what concerns me. You don't date. Like ever."

"I'm not a relationship kind of guy."

"No, you've never liked anyone or had to chase anyone. You just get what you want; convenient companionship."

"Maybe I'm just aromantic." My attempt to lighten the mood falls short.

His expression flattens with his voice. "Maybe. Maybe you've just got too much shit going on in your life to give relationships a try."

"Are we still talking about Rory or you and me?"

"Both." He pushes me back a bit so he can cross his legs. "Babe, if you really are aromantic, I apologize for the insistence, but even aromantic people can be in a relationship when they don't care for them. I have a feeling that you like Rory in a romantic way though."

"Oh my god." I stand up and laugh, dragging my hands through my hair. "If I hear that shit one more time. Yes, Rory is cool. She's a fun girl and completely different from the other girls Chace has brought around. And he likes her. He likes her a lot. He's dating her. If you haven't noticed," I stress, pressing a hand to my chest, "neither I nor my brother have dated anyone. Like ever. So, yeah, the first girl he brings around that he genuinely likes? I'm a bit interested in her. It doesn't help that she's got a personality that naturally draws you in. My fucking bad if I enjoy her company. Doesn't mean I want to date her."

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