11 | petals in the garden

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These walls are cursed

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These walls are cursed. Every second behind them is one too many. I keep my head low except to meet someone's eye in passing as I explore the halls. It's best to avoid wincing at every detail these cream and royal blue colors bring memories to. There's a reason I haven't been back in months. It's getting harder.

With Chace and everyone else in a meeting this morning, I'm left alone, and I sure as hell am not going to stick around in my old room. Seeing Rory isn't an option either. Every time we end up alone, my stupid brain slips and stumbles into the mindset of a boy with a crush. At least, what I would assume having a crush would be like.

The teasing was fun at first. Watching her squirm as I brought up our one-night stand and nudged her boundaries was entertaining. Running into her last night, I toed over the line of teasing and jumped into full-on honesty. I want to be alone with her. For reasons I'm not ready to entertain, something about our encounters is exciting beyond the awkward history we share.

Next to the pool, Mom and her gardener worked weeks on end to perfect a floral design that felt both like home and an adventurous getaway. It's the only place on this property that doesn't give me nightmares. That's where I head. I check the time and figure I have half an hour or so to kill before the breakfast meeting ends. If only I got to bring Jeffery with me.

I shield my eyes from the early morning sun as I step outside. There are shoes scuffing on the concrete path, slowing my approach. Peeking around a rosebush entrance, I shake my head when I see who the shoes belong to. "A hundred rooms and a dozen floors in this place, and I still run into you."

Rory stops suddenly and looks at me like I just caught her stealing. "Oh! I- Hi." She tugs the bottom of her purple top over her black shorts and points her shoes inward. Her face is bare, revealing small blemishes on her forehead and cheeks. The thick of her dark hair is shoved into a sloppy bun atop her head except for a few rebellious strands tickling her face. Cute.

"Hey." I throw my hand up and walk around her before I'm caught staring.

"Everyone's in a meeting so I thought I'd look around some. Your mom has an amazing sense of aesthetics."

"She does." Dahlias and hydrangeas greet me from each side. Normally, I wouldn't give a second thought about them or their names, but Mom always told me which flowers she picked and why. Lavender and violet were her favorite colors, and they ended up being mine. I wonder if Rory likes them too. "Did you sleep better after the tea?"

"I did!" Her footsteps stop. "I mean, I wasn't struggling to sleep in the first place."

"Uh-huh." I continue down the stone path, glancing at the other color schemes and remembering their names until I reach the fountain filled with lily pads and lotuses. Dragonflies zigzag around them. I sit on the edge and tap my reflection against the water, watching my face ripple then hers as she stands next to me.

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