33 | how to say im in love

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"I have a confession

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"I have a confession."

Victoria stares at me from the edge of the bed as I hug a giant pillow to my chest. I gnaw on my bottom lip and stare at her curious but unmoving expression. "Please don't tell me you're pregnant," she says as calmly as possible.

I cringe. "No. Never." I take in a slow breath and hide my face in the plushness rich with Chace's masculine scent. "I think...I think I'm in love."

Her eyes widen like I just told her I murdered someone and needed her help hiding the body. "With Chace?"

I nod silently. There hasn't been much time to mull over my feelings since the night of the party. Too many things have occurred to give me enough time to calculate whether or not it's all in my head, or even what the hell love is. Forty-eight hours have passed without him, and I miss him more than I ever thought possible. Meetings and travel have barely allowed texts and short conversations between us. It's not enough.

"How do you know you're in love with him?"

"I don't know!" I throw my hands up, letting the pillow fall. "That's why I'm discussing this with you."

"When did this happen?"

"We were at a party and-and he started dancing."

Victoria narrows her eyes and presses her lips together. "Mkay?"

"It wasn't any kind of dance though," I rush out, seeing her doubt. "It was cringey and unapologetic. As he was doing it, totally embarrassing himself in front of me, I realized that what I have with him is something I've never had with anyone else. We're free to be ourselves around each other. We trust each other completely. He always lifts me up and supports me. Never once has he ever judged me or questioned me. If he left me today, I'd be devastated. I've never felt that sort of attachment to anyone before."

"Hmm. Okay." She nods and folds her thick arms under her chest. "Sounds like you've got it bad."

"I've never been in love before. What do I do?"

"Tell him how you're feeling."

"What if he doesn't love me back?"

She snorts and gives me a look that says I'm naïve as ever. "Girl, have you seen the way that man looks at you? He probably fell in love a long time ago."

I giggle and hug myself foolishly as her observation sends butterflies through my stomach and around my heart. "This is crazy! What should we do? Are we going to be in a serious relationship?"

"Slow down, Rory." Her voice grows serious. "There's a lot you need to consider with this. You know how I feel about the age gap between you two."

"It's five years."

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