03 | the perfect son

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'Don't disappoint me

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'Don't disappoint me.' Thwack, thwack, thwack! Father's words loom over my head as I throw my fists into the punching bag. Thwack! A jolt shoots up my arm. I hit harder. 'Don't embarrass me.' Sweat drips into my left eye. A quick swipe and it's off before I throw another punch. Fire burns my lungs. I nearly choke. It shouldn't matter what he thinks of her. It doesn't. All that matters is what she means to me. Thwack! The bag smacks into the wall behind it. I flinch and hold it fast before it can do any damage.

"Jeez." Never mind the bad form, how can one business dinner make me this anxious? If Dad were to find any damage done to my house, he'd be down my throat again. He already questioned why I needed a punching bag when I first had it installed downstairs. That, and the wine cooler.

Rubbing my forehead with the back of my wrist, I catch my breath and my bearings. It's just one weekend. You asked her because you're ready for this. Both of you are. I grab my water bottle and chug for bit before tossing it aside. Blood rushes through my body, and my heart pounds in my ears, but I hear my phone vibrating on the loveseat next to the cooler. Unstrapping my boxing gloves, I grab it to see a text from Rory.

○R: Nervous about Friday. I'm afraid your parents won't like me.

○C: Doesn't matter what they think, I reply then quickly add, mom is chill, dad is old school. He still tells me to cut my hair a certain way. If I can't appease him, no one can.

○R: Damn, that's rough lol

Disapproval is my father's natural state of being. So, it doesn't matter what he thinks of Rory. Her comfort is all that matters. My family has ruined more than half of my relationships. This is one I refuse to let go down the same road. Getting past my family drama is just one horn on the bull. I look down at my swollen, red knuckles, only now registering the pain blistering through them. Might be for the best that she doesn't know about everything else. "Time for new gloves," I mutter.

I've been at it for too long tonight. After the three-hour meeting Dad called to go over the Hyeong-Rhee's earnings, my brain is fried. Stress tied knots from my shoulders down to my fingertips, and I don't think I hit the bag enough times to loosen any of them. Numbers, etiquette, inheritance, perfection. Friday has to be perfect or else. Or else what? Sleep won't come easy if these thoughts don't go away.

I text Rory good night as I climb upstairs to prepare for a shower and bed. She's probably preparing for bed as well since she typically starts her workday at four so she can be done by noon.


"What the f-" I freeze on the last stair and prepare to lob my phone at my brother's face all the way in the living room. "Ty?" I let go of my breath once I realize he's not an intruder...at least, one that's not related to me. "You said you'd never abuse access to my house."

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