12 | between you and me

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Sunday afternoon rolls around, and the Hyeong Rhee's are flying back to New York

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Sunday afternoon rolls around, and the Hyeong Rhee's are flying back to New York. Chace, Tyler, and I stand at the mansion entrance pretending to be as excited to live under one roof as Caroline is for us. "Please, feel free to come by at any time. Our doors are always open. There is more than enough space for the three of you." She places gentle kisses on each of our cheeks. "Especially you, Rory." She goes for a hug, and I welcome her. Flowery perfume embraces me one last time. "I would love to get to know you more. It'll be nice to have another woman around for once. Maybe you'll officially join the family here soon."

I blink. "Oh."

"Mom!" Chace's face grows impossibly red as he glares at her. "We're not talking about this right now. Plus, we're both still pretty young."

Caroline rolls her eyes and flicks her wrist at Tyler. "I settled down had this one at twenty-one. There was plenty of fun to have afterward."

Maybe with endless riches and nannies. I cringe. Not that I'm bitter. The idea of settling down and having kids has never sat well with me or fit into my vision for the future. Taking care of another human? I shiver. Why are people so obsessed with someone having kids?

"Are you implying that Chace should have a bastard child?" Chandler's deep voice shatters the atmosphere as he claims the space before us. "I taught him so much better than that. He'll marry a nice woman and build a family the correct way. Right, son?" He drops a large hand on Chace's shoulder.

"Yeah." He glances at me with a strained expression. Painful.

Chandler follows his gaze and arches his brows as if he hadn't noticed the only brown, chubby girl standing right in front of him. "Ah, Rory. I never did get a chance to speak with you privately. Do you have a moment?"

My stomach churns. "Um." I glance at Chace as he tugs our bags closer to him. A fog clouds his expression, making it impossible to read. Tyler is a shadow next to him, expression just as dark. This is the first time their- his father has even directly acknowledged me or shown interest in my existence. I was prepared to chalk him up as a loss. At least one parent likes me enough. I guess now is my time to win him over. I arch my neck to look up at Chandler and wear my most polite smile. "Sure."

His thin lips curve. "Wonderful." He motions a hand behind me and glances above my head, probably to Chace. "You can take her things to the car. This'll only take a moment." He doesn't wait for me to follow him as he turns around, leaving me to trail after him. His shoulders are high and confident in his button-up. In fact, slacks and button-up shirts are the only things I've seen across his broad physique this entire weekend. Come to think of it, Caroline has worn nothing but long skirts and dresses. Are they always dressed in business attire?

Chandler takes me to what must be his office, a canvas of white and beige tones. He shuts the door behind me and motions to the olive sofa across from his desk. "Please, have a seat."

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