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How long have I stood here? Seconds? Moments? Hours? If I don't make a move soon, Victoria will come home and find me frozen just before my bed

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How long have I stood here? Seconds? Moments? Hours? If I don't make a move soon, Victoria will come home and find me frozen just before my bed. Maybe it's what I want. An excuse to stop me from making potentially the greatest mistake of my life. My phone weighs a ton in my right hand, so much that I use my left to steady it. Then cover it.

I cover Mama's face.

The pain is all that I can remember. Agony as I was ripped, no, pushed away. No. I scrub my face with my palm. How can I think that? What would I have done in their situation? No better, surely. "Doesn't matter anymore." I look at my phone again. "If you don't do this now, you never will."

Hitting call makes the world stop. Dread runs through me as it rings. If she doesn't answer in one... Two. Thre-

"Hola? Rory? Mija?" My mother's voice trembles. She sounds breathless. Desperate.

"Mama." My voice cracks and I cover my mouth.

"Gracias a Dios. I never thought I'd hear from you again, mi amor."

"I'm so sorry." Emotions I've fought for months pour into my chest like sand in a bottle until I can't hold it in. I sob. My knees buckle and I collapse onto my bed like the world's biggest baby.

It's so strange to hear a voice I've avoided for so long. There's something new and unfamiliar about it, but I know it. I recognize it. There's a sense of nostalgia intertwined with pain. A memory I once adored that now brings me grief.

"Don't be sorry," Mama says. "I'm so glad you're calling! I-I'm the one who is sorry. After that man- when he-"

"Don't! Please." I squeeze my eyes shut and hold my forehead. A fog dark as night creeps around the corners of my mind. "That is not what I want to talk about." Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. You can do this. Victoria shouldn't have to be here to help.

"O-of course. Lo siento." Her voice is thick with regret. Oddly, it feels good to hear.

Rubbing my eyes with my wrist, I quickly try to focus my attention on something else. Why am calling again? I roll over to my back and face the ceiling. "Um, how's Papa?"

"At work. Pulling extra shifts again. He'll be so happy you called. It's been so long; we were afraid we'd never hear your sweet voice again. How have you been? How is school? Therapy? Your program?"

"Great. Everything is great." I pull my hair around my fingers. "Better than ever actually." It's not a lie. I think back to the night I shared with Tyler and how dangerous it was. If it were up to my parents or Victoria, they'd lock me away forever.

"That is good to know. Victoria keeps us updated, but nothing compares to hearing it from you."

I smile as if she can see me pretend. Pretend that I'm thrilled to hear her voice and act as if the past four years of my life never happened. "If you're wondering why I haven't gotten back to you in some time, it's because I met someone."

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