08 | your truth

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Heat cascades my body in the form of rippling water unwinding my muscles

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Heat cascades my body in the form of rippling water unwinding my muscles. As Chace lounges in the jacuzzi, I cling to him with my ear resting on his chest. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat mimics mine. Stray curls escape the bun atop my head and tickle my cheeks and shoulders. The cyan reflections from the pool next to us are inviting. It's nearly the size of a pond, making the community pool next to my apartment look like a puddle in the thick of concrete. Forest-themed plants and furniture pull us from the reality that is Miami and lures us into a tropical paradise.

"I'm so glad you're here." Chace slings his arms around my waist. "Is it bad that I could not care less about whether or not my parents win those people over? I'd rather be at home right now. With you, obviously."

I tighten my arms around his sides and nestle my cheek against his chest. My lashes flutter shut as my entirety relaxes, but I still detect the animosity in his tone. "Well, why do you come to these meetings? Aren't you running your own business?"

"Dad wants me to take over the company. It's what he's prepared me for my entire life. I can't just escape the responsibility to do my hobbies."

I jerk my head up. "Hobby? Chace, it's your business and you're passionate about it. How can that be a hobby?"

"What's it compared to Mom and Dad's business though?"

"Who cares about what they're doing? I admire how you're able to run your own business so young. Should I also give up on my passion because people are much more successful at it?"

He frowns. "Of course not."

"Then shush." I place my lips over his briefly. "Be proud of what you've accomplished. Do what you love. If you don't want to take over your dad's business, just don't."

A sound that mimics laughter leaves his lips, but it's more uncertain than anything. "Yeah."

"Why didn't you tell me about all of this?" I demand as gently as possible. "The fact that the sweet, humble guy I met at a downtown bar is a millionaire? That's insane. Your home is so modest and warm. Why didn't you tell me how rich you were?"

He shrugs. "It's not a big deal. I don't really care about money...but a lot of people do, so I keep it to myself."

"Well, do your parents mind that I'm poor?" Maybe not Caroline, but his father certainly seems to have less than reserved thoughts about me.

"Doesn't matter how they feel. Don't let this affect us or make you change anything about yourself." He places heavy hands on my shoulders as I press my palms to his chest. "I'm still your normal boyfriend. Don't treat me like I'm rich, okay?"

"O-of course not." I nod vigorously. "You're not any different from the day I met you."

But everything is different. He's different from who I originally thought he was, even if he is the same guy. He's a man who may take over an empire of a business. Is he testing me? Seeing if he can trust me? Does he want to start a serious relationship? Why else would he introduce me to his family?

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