45 | betrayers

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One week back and I haven't come down

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One week back and I haven't come down. New expansions for my gym are in the works. Mom and Dad offered me an amazing position at their company. Best of all, there's an amazing woman in my life who loves me as much as I love her. I can't help but smile as I file through work emails for the third time, retaining nothing but Rory Hernandez.

School and work have come in between our time together, but it hasn't stopped the passion. Every second that we're together is heaven. We love each other. For the first time in my life, I can love someone and trust in that love.

I still haven't decided what to do regarding the international business trip, and what it means for my gym. While it's an amazing opportunity, it might strain my relationship with Rory more than I'm willing to allow. I've thought of asking her to go with me, but a month off of classes as a double major isn't the best idea. I've thought about asking her to move in with me, but I'm not sure when would be the best time. Before I make the decision? After? I haven't even told her there's a decision to be made.

My phone rings, breaking my thought, and I pick up to my dad. "Hey. What do you need?"

"Straight to the point, I see. I'm calling to ask about the offer I made you. Have you given it any more thought?"

"A bit." I click the end of a pen against my desk and lean back in my chair. "There's a lot to consider."

"What's there to think about? With the progress that Miss Valentine has made in just a few weeks, there's plenty of room to trust her with your work for a month."

"There's my relationship. Rory and I still have to discuss it." Just as the words leave my mouth, my office door creaks, and Rory pokes her head in. I prepare to smile until I see the distraught on her face. My heart leaps in my throat.

"Ah. Your relationship. Speaking of-"

"I need to go." I hang up and rush to her side, roaming my hands over her rigid shoulders. "Hey. What's going on?"

She collapses into my arms and grips them tight. Tremors rake through her body. The front of my shirt is soaked in seconds with her tears. I swallow the lump in my throat and hold her. My heart is panicking against my ribcage, begging for reassurance. She doesn't speak, just claws into me and releases her sorrow. Her wails are powerful enough to pierce through my soul.

Her pain; it's agonizing.

Reality freezes in her enigmatic tears. We gather against the sofa in the corner of the office and embrace like our existence depends on it. When what seems like hours pass with nothing but her sobs, she finally speaks in broken sentences. "Something h-happened."

I rest my chin atop her head and hold her feverish body to my chest. "What's going on, Rory? You're really concerning me." I try to sound gentle, understanding, but my grip is slipping. I've never seen her like this.

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