26 | white boy dance

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Chace has drummed his thumbs against the steering wheel during the entire drive

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Chace has drummed his thumbs against the steering wheel during the entire drive. He's more nervous now than he was when he introduced me to his family. Though I'm sure he's more embarrassed about his friends than he is about showing me off. I tried to dress modestly. The crimson romper I chose has sleeves that stop at my shoulders and the bottom half is loose enough so you won't see my full ass if I bend over, but Chace said he'd have no problem with it as long as he got to stand behind me. Little comments like those never fail to make me so soft.

His friend's house (Anthony I think) is only a few neighborhoods away and is a few classes below Chace's but has more floors and space than anyone I know at my age. Everyone lives in a better place than my shabby apartment. The driveway is already packed down to the street, and if I weren't crazy, I'd say we're pulling up to a frat party with practical models strutting across the yard in bikinis while guys run around shirtless with laughter and beers, attempting to snatch their tops off.

"Wow," I say as we step into the humidity and approach the house. "You weren't kidding about the whole frat thing."

"Yeah." He runs a nervous hand through his hair and looks around the yard briefly before slinging an arm around my waist. "We'll only be here for like an hour so we can meet Rosita on time."

"Okay!" I've been jittery with anticipation ever since I attempted to ease the severity of my comedown early this morning. It's been a while since I've slept with a woman, and I can't deny that I've been craving feminine companionship for some time now. Chace is beyond satisfying in bed...when I want a man. The sensations I have with a woman are entirely different.

Music blasts from inside the house, and it's shocking that the neighbors haven't called the cops, because it's not the most private area. Upon stepping inside, more half-naked men and women bless my eyes in the natural sunlight streaming from outside and I bite back a smile. "If I would have known it was this kind of party, I would have worn less clothing."

Chace eases out a deep chuckle and squeezes my waist. "Feeling a bit overdressed now, huh?"

"It's a first." I glance at the loose blue shirt and cargo shorts that adorns his solid figure. "You should take your shirt off too."

He gives me a funny look. "I'm not in the position to-"

"Chace! Fuck, yeah!" A man from across the living room, standing between two girls dancing on a coffee table, manages to raise his baritone voice over the music to grab our attention. He's enormous, probably taller than Chace, with sugar brown skin, short curly hair, and eyes and lips that are honey-dipped with joy. "You came!" He throws his long arms up with a beer in each hand and comes barreling through a group of flirtatious women.

"I told you I would." Chace grins and they hug when close enough.

"Here's your beer," his friend says, offering him one of the bottles dripping with condensation. "I've been holding on to it this whole time."

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