48 | you were never there

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r o r y

"Oh, no

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"Oh, no. Not again." Victoria stands in my doorway with her arms folded and brows furrowed. She takes in my half-naked state—oversized t-shirt barely covering my briefs—and eyes the half-empty bottle of wine in my hand with disapproval. "You can't keep going on like this."

"You can't tell me how to spend my time," I declare over my breakup playlist and sway my hips without an ounce of shame. "I've already finished studying. Come join me." I beckon her to enter my room with my free hand while tipping the bottle again and taking a generous sip.

She shakes her head. "The first night, I totally understood. The second night, I probably shouldn't have let happen, but I knew you were hurting. Three times, and it becomes a coping mechanism." She glares at the bottle. "You know drugs are the first thing on the list of shit you don't mess with anymore."

"I'm not going to relapse over wine, Vicky." I sway my head around and close my eyes as I become lighter and less accurate on my feet. "I'm simply enjoying my freedom."

"Oh, really? Weren't you just crying over Chace a few days ago?"

"That was the old Rory. Do you know what I have to say about that?" I don't wait for her to answer and hold up my middle finger. "Fuck him. Fuck relationships. I don't need him. I don't need anyone except for myself."

"While that's a sweet incentive, are we going to pretend that you weren't falling head over heels for him? You can't ignore that you experienced your first love and lost it within a week."

I laugh and take another swig, appreciating the fog covering my mind. "I never loved him. Our relationship obviously meant nothing to him. He doesn't care about me, and I don't care about him. Now I get to fuck any woman or man that I want. He really held me back, you know?"

"Okay." She pushes herself off the wall and approaches me. "I think you've had enough of this. It's only a matter of time before you do something you regret." She reaches for the bottle, but I hold it behind my back and dance around her. "Rory."

"What?" I feign innocence. "I'm a grown woman. I don't need you to tell me what to do anymore."

"You're not even old enough to drink yet."

"So? Just pretend we're in Italy. How many times have you resorted to one of these when an ex pissed you off? Let's not act like you handle your relationship issues perfectly."

She narrows her eyes and stares at me for one drawn-out moment. "Bitch."

"Ha!" I stick my tongue out and offer her the bottle. "That's what I thought."

She accepts it and takes a quick sip. "You're terribly petty."

"Mhm." I take it back and dance to the music again. "Now join me." I raise my hands above my head and bump my hip into her.

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