04 | office affairs

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Joy dawns on Chace's face when I peek into his office

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Joy dawns on Chace's face when I peek into his office. I hold up a bag from Mazzio's and ease inside with a smile. He rolls his head back on his chair upon seeing the food. "You're killing me."

"Weren't you the one that said calories in calories out?" I plop down on the chair next to his desk and place the plastic bag on the only space free of papers and laminated binders.

"Getting food from there means I won't have dinner tonight. And carbs for lunch? Are you joking?" Yet he pulls out a styrofoam box with childish glee. The reason I bring him cheat-lunches on occasion is for this very expression; he won't do it for himself. "You know we're going for a jog, right?"

"Yeah." I attempt to hide behind my box with a guilty smile.

"Were you hoping that carbing me up beforehand would change my mind?"


"Evil. Pure evil." He shakes his head and opens his box of strawberry poppyseed chicken salad. Appreciation glows where apprehension was. "Not bad. I thought you were trying to make me suffer."

"I thought you would!" I open my box with a pepperoni calzone. "I'm going to be the one suffering."

"You're so gonna regret that."

"Mhm." I grab a slice to dip in marinara and take a savoring bite. "But it's well worth it at the moment."

"You're going to make me carry you again, aren't you?"

"No!" I laugh over a mouthful. "I swear that won't happen again. I nearly broke your back last time."

He eyes me over his food with a look of disappointment. "That's not why I'm concerned. You asked me to help you lose weight this summer. It's been two months and you've lost zero pounds."

"It's hard."

"It is, but I have a feeling you only asked because you want to hang out with me more in the afternoons."

"Is that a crime?" I demand. I start my data entry job at four in the morning, and by the afternoon, the only thing I want to do is catch my man on his break.

"No, but at least be honest with me. I feel like I'm failing you every time we do...other things instead of jogging."

Other things meaning me propped up against his desk with him pounding away between my thighs. I bite back a smirk. It'd be a bald-faced lie to say it's not the reason I asked him to help me lose weight in the first place. As innocent as he makes himself out to be, I know he loves that dangerous and dominant edge of fucking his girlfriend in his office. The one employee and dozen customers in his gym sit only a few feet away. It gives me goosebumps every time. "Sex is a great exercise."

"Not when you're not doing any of the work most of the time."

"Can you blame me?" I nod at his vigorous physique barely contained by his button-up and slacks. "How would I dominate you in bed?"

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