23 | fearless

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"You street race on a motorcycle?" I demand

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"You street race on a motorcycle?" I demand. Blood pumps through my veins at impossible speeds as I drift my fingers across the black leather seat to the sleek metal finish. "That's dangerous, you know?"

He makes an indistinguishable noise that says so?

"That's fucking awesome."

"The rush is indescribable."

"You're going to race on this thing while you're high?"

"No better way to do it." He comes up behind me and strokes his bike like a lover. "Imagine being on top of the world going one-eighty down the streets on this beautiful beast."

Jeffery sighs for attention, hand placed with grace against his cheek. "Tyler is an adrenaline junkie if you hadn't noticed. Anything that gets his heart racing turns him on faster than I can."

"I understand the feeling." The reality of it is out before I can stop myself. Though they don't pick up on the hint of chaos beneath the confession. They don't understand how severe it could be. To get my heart racing, to thrill me, to do something dangerous or wrong. The mere idea of it turns me on in ways more rewarding than sex. Danger is a one-way street down a hole of my suppressed adrenaline addiction.

"Look who finally decided to show up right before the race starts." The three of us turn to see a man barely taller than me and Jeffery, clad in leather from head to toe with his hair slicked back. He's the embodiment of a typical 'badass' with tattoos stretched across his body from his hands to his neck, leaving no naked skin. He eyes the three of us with distasteful, dark irises before resting them on Tyler and his bike. "Cocky bastard," he finishes in a smoker's rasp.

Tyler appears mildly inconvenienced and leans a bit of his weight into Jeffery. "Not my fault you're too scared to take risks."

"You're a fucking lunatic. That's what it is. I'm already taking risks just going out there." He throws his hand out behind him, emphasizing the set of muscle cars revving their engines, and the crowd hyping up around them.

"Well," I say, "if Tyler's taking the biggest risk, it only makes sense that he'd get the biggest reward.

The man looks at me as if he hadn't noticed me standing here the entire time. He leans back a bit, hands shoved in his jacket pockets and smirks just enough to make resisting an eye roll impossible. "And who are you, mami?"

"A friend."

"Well, friend, name's Ryder. Let me know if-"

"Ryder?" I throw Tyler a victorious smirk.

He avoids my gaze and locks his jaw to hold back laughter. "Don't."

"I fucking told you!" I bounce and hit his arm. "I told you! A brooding white guy, dressed like you, talking like you, named Ryder." I twirl my finger in his face as my grin broadens.

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