31 | how long is long enough?

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Rory returns in the late evening, and I try my best not to seem excited as I leave my room the moment I hear the front door open

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Rory returns in the late evening, and I try my best not to seem excited as I leave my room the moment I hear the front door open. I stretch my arms above my head and pretend to be distracted by something in the kitchen as she enters the house. "Hey." She nods in my direction, noting my shirtless state with slight annoyance.

"Sup." I take a seat on the barstool closest to the edge of the island and watch every hesitant step she takes.

"Didn't want to say goodbye to your brother?"

"He goes on business trips all the time. Plus, I'd rather not see his asshole of a father if I don't have to."

She nods while rubbing her arms. "So, what are your plans for this week?"

"Why?" I smirk. "Wanna hang out with me?"

She shrugs. "If you're doing something interesting. I don't have much planned. I go back to school in a week, so I want to enjoy the rest of my summer vacation. Winning a ton of money was pretty awesome."

"Anarchy is always a fun way to earn some fast cash. I was planning to go back a few times this week. Wanna come?"



She nods. I nod. We both look at each other for a moment like we don't know how to interact with each other. It's not like we need Chace around to be comfortable together. I know why I'm feeling awkward—stupid feelings that won't die no matter how hard I beat them down—but why is she? It sure as hell can't be that she feels the same tension between us. It's got to be in my head.

"I'm not a good liar," she blurts like the silence was killing her.

I sit up a bit, suddenly intrigued. Maybe it's not in my head. "What do you mean?"

"You know this." She throws her hands up. "Hell, you helped me buy drinks because I was too scared to use a fake I.D."

"I did." Don't smile. Don't smirk. See what she has to say.

"Your dad asked me to watch over you."

My heart sinks. All in my head. "He's not my dad," I say lowly.

She smacks her forehead. "I'm sorry. Chandler wanted me to make sure you stay out of trouble. I told him I would, but honestly, who am I to take that responsibility? I'm not any better than you. Also, you're a friend, and I don't want to seem weird or dishonest. So, I'm not, but I'm telling Chandler that I am. I-I just thought you should know."

I'm not surprised in the slightest. "So, Chace's daddy put you on babysitting duty?"

She nods. "Obviously, I'm not going to report to him, but if I do feel like we're ever in real danger, I'll reach out to Chace."

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