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"I knew purple was your color

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"I knew purple was your color." Rory cheeses as she continues blowing the wet paint on my nails.

"Thanks." I try to glance away from her face that is far too close to mine while she blows on my nails. My heart is beating too damn fast for this. Who has hands this fucking soft? It's ridiculous and only makes me wonder if the rest of her feels this good. Who am I kidding? I know how good she feels. Even as time continues to pass from the night we first met, every intricate detail of her body is tattooed on my brain.

"What's the plan for tonight? Another race?" Excitement bleeds into her voice, distracting me from my perverted thoughts.

"I'm not scheduled for another race until another week or so, but there is still plenty that we could do tonight."

"Okay," she sings. She gives my nails one final blow. "I look forward to being your partner in crime."

If only she meant that in the way I wanted her to.

In an hour, Rory and I are back at Anarchy. I give her the honor of using her new membership card, and we head inside to a party that's already in full swing. It's not nearly as crowded as it was the first night around, but there are enough bodies to get lost in. We head to the bar first where Trinity is waiting with his long locks bleached platinum blonde instead of inky black.

"Looks good," I say, motioning towards his hair.

"Thanks. What can I get you guys tonight?"

I give Rory a cautious look. "You okay with having a bit of fun?"

She returns my glance with a nervous one. "I already told Chace I'd do a little while he's gone. Nothing crazy though."

"Is E crazy?"

"E? The last time I had that was back in high school." She chews on her bottom lip. "That was a hell of a time."

"Exactly." I give Trinity a look and he disappears behind the counter.

"I guess I'm doing it then." Rory runs a timid hand through her hair and takes in a deep breath. "E makes me flirt more than anything else. Chace doesn't mind it, but I don't know if that'll make things better or worse."

"How have you been without him? Managing to keep your cool?"

"It's only been a couple of days, but things are already getting rough. He's usually busy with meetings, and when he can talk, it's not for long." She sighs and props her cheek up on her wrist. "I miss him. I don't think I've ever missed someone in the way that I do with him."

Crack. There goes my chest again, taking damage from her oblivious words. I nod and turn away as she gets a longing look in her eyes. How much would you miss me if I were gone?

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