14 | secrets, secrets

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"What are you doing?" Victoria's face is clouded with concern when she sees my suitcase poorly hidden behind my stubby legs

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"What are you doing?" Victoria's face is clouded with concern when she sees my suitcase poorly hidden behind my stubby legs. "Where are you going?" The front door is only several feet away, and somehow, she added a mile.

"Ah. You caught me just in time." I lean to the side and throw her a toothy smile. "I was afraid I was going to have to send a long text."


"Call! We were going to have a long call." I suck in a deep breath, puffing my chest out, and release all at once, "I'm staying with Chace and his brother for the rest of break so we can get to know each other and whatnot. So...yeah. I just ended my shift and was going to drop my things off at his house."

She folds her arms and eyes me like my mother did when she caught me watching Finding Nemo at the lowest volume on a school night. "When did you decide to stay at his place? Who is his brother? We haven't even talked about what happened last weekend." She narrows her eyes. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes! Everything is fine." After I went through lengths to reassure Chace that I am no longer attracted to his brother who I previously slept with. Then reassured Tyler that I didn't hate him for being testy with me over the weekend. Things have been fine. "Dinner was cool. Boring. His mom was awesome. Dad was...weird. Also, Tyler is his little brother's name and he's also sort of weird. Chace just randomly thought it'd be a good idea if I moved in for a bit and I agreed."

"And you were going to tell me this when? Looks like you were hoping I'd still be out."

"I honestly thought you would try to stop me from staying with him, so I tried to sneak out before you came home," I say in one breath. Damn, that feels good.

"Chica." She palms her forehead and steps to the side, allowing passage to the front door. "You think I care if you want to see your boyfriend? I was only concerned about you being alone with his family. Rich people are crazy, but clearly, all your pieces are still intact. Come on, let's go."

My smile falters. "Let's?"

* * *

Ten nails chewed down to their nubs is not enough to calm my nerves. She's going to talk to Tyler. That's the only reason she would want to come. There's not a person in my life that she hasn't met. Maybe that's why Rosita stood me up. Victoria has a way of intimidating people out of my life. Chace has managed to survive her wrath for four months, and I have no idea how he does it. If I didn't sneak out every once in a while, (before I met him) most of my lovers would have ended up in graves.

Victoria had two rules for me when I first moved in if I didn't want to be forced back into rehabilitation: no drugs and no sex with anyone more than five years my senior (until I turn twenty). Chace barely made the mark.

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