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Little by little, Rosie's apprehension fades

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Little by little, Rosie's apprehension fades. She's less tense and more jittery with anticipation. Less shy about her attraction to a woman and more eager to explore it. Countless amounts of my firsts reflect within her aura. My first time having sex, kissing a girl, touching a girl, sneaking out to sleep with random lovers. The thrill of experiencing something new and dangerous. I loved it.

I love this.

Her hand is tight in mine as I lead her to Chace's bedroom. He trails after us, observing and stalking his meal. His tactics send goosebumps over my skin. Watching and waiting to make his grand entrance. Just when I deem it impossible to achieve any more pleasure from the woman we're with, he demands more from me.

Rosie's lips are sealed to mine once I get her past the threshold. We're falling against Chace's bed and she caress every curve of my body. They're a bit shaky, but ravenous. She wants me. Badly. I want to give her everything.

Grinning against her mouth, I inch back and drag my fingers down her flat, smooth stomach. "I have a few plans for you."

She bites her bottom lip. Flames flicker in her eyes and travel down to her panting chest and anxious legs brushing against each other. "Okay," she whispers. Manicured nails trail down the low cut of my romper.

I climb off of her and turn to find Chace already digging through the bag of goodies and protection we bought sitting on his dresser. I saunter over and stroke his arm with delicacy. "Are you going to join us or do you need to warm up first?" I wonder while plucking dental dams and a vibrator from his hands.

He gives me a knowing look and leans down to place his forehead against mine. His breath is heavy and dangerous, containing the thrill and power rippling through every hard muscle in his body. "You know how this goes." He drifts his hand down my lower back before roughly pressing me against him. "Do what you do best and I'll do what I do best."

I lean up and lightly flick my tongue over his lips. "I love when you get like this."

His grip on my lower back tightens. "Have fun."

I whirl around and glide back over to Rosie as she's perched on the edge of his bed. I rest our protection and vibrator next to her and capture her lips again. She sighs and grabs my hips to kiss me back. I hover above her and tease my fingers along her exposed inner thighs, relishing in the way she shudders. It's warm between her legs. Soft. Luring me in like I belong there. As my palm explores further, she lies back and pulls me with her. Her eyes are so big and brown as they stare up at me. Midnight hair fans around her melanous skin glistening with need. She's gorgeous. Luminous.

"Rosie," I mutter midst my marvel, "would you mind doing me a favor?" I find her panty line and slide my fingers over to the fabric to find it warm and damp. "How exciting."

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