20 | anarchy

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Rory jumps out of the car and into the parking garage before I have time to

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Rory jumps out of the car and into the parking garage before I have time to. I rush to shut off my car and dart to her side as she skips forward and examines the other vehicles in the area. Some are on the nicer end while others rest on the lines of barely drivable. "Are we underground?" she wonders. She whirls around to me with gleaming eyes.

"Yeah." I shove my hands in my pockets and stride past her to lead the way. "Easier to hide all the noise."


"You'll see."

The garage could use better lighting. The bulbs above our heads flicker and buzz with age. The musk could be less stale and metallic if this place were cleaned up every once in a while. The ground could use a good cleansing of debris and trash rustling beneath our steps. I glance over my shoulder to see Rory looking around in awe. It doesn't bother her.

"What's this place called? What do you do down here? Are we going to do something illegal?"

"Just about everything you can do down here is illegal. Except maybe drinking." I smirk over my shoulder. "Except even that is illegal for you."

She winks. "That's never stopped me before."

"I strictly remember you being too afraid to order shots the night we first met."

"I had just turned nineteen and I told you I'm bad at lying. I didn't ask for your help."

"Oh. You were definitely waiting for a miracle. Luckily for you, I can provide those. Didn't even cost you anything to receive some of my kindness."

"How could I ever be so ungrateful."

"Tyler Evans." A familiar voice drags out my name and echoes across the empty parking lot.

We turn around to see Jeffery strutting towards us in all his glory. Despite being so fair and thin, he flaunts a skin-tight sleeveless tank top with a gold chain to accent. Even bolder, the loosest black leather pants swallow his legs and hide his matching heels. Warmth eases through my chest when his rosy lips greet me with a smile. Round designer shades hide his eyes, but I know there's a twinkle of mischief resting in those green pools.

"Jeffery." I fail to keep the smile out of my voice. Leaning my weight on one leg, I slide my hands into my pockets to restrain myself from touching him.

He turns his freckled nose up at me and turns his attention to Rory. "So you're the reason why I haven't gotten dick in so long."

I choke and cover my mouth. Rory glances at me then to Jeffery who's folding his arms waiting. "Um. What?"

"I admit, you're cute. I'd probably forget all about me if I had you waltzing around."

"Jeff, this is Rory, Chace's girlfriend."

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