49 | reflection

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I run my palm over Rosie's thigh with a lazy smile on my face

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I run my palm over Rosie's thigh with a lazy smile on my face. The haze of a late afternoon keeps my brain fogged and my body loose with unfathomable comfort. "I'm so jealous of how gorgeous you are."

"We've gone over this a thousand times." She taps my cheek and looks down at me with a smile just as lazy. "You have nothing to be jealous of. You're beautiful." She rewards me with a gentle kiss for reassurance. "Everything about you is. And the way you fuck should be illegal."

I giggle and bite the end of my thumb. "You really think so?"

"This has been the most blissful week of my life, cariño."


She nods vigorously. "I was disappointed when your ex said we could not see each other again. Now, I don't need to worry about that." She sighs and rests her cheek on the back of her hand. "I can have you whenever I want."

My heart flutters. I continue to tease the soft skin of her thighs. "This is true."

"What kind of person gives up a girl like you? He is crazy."

"Yeah." I glance off to the side and resist the threat of emotion. It's almost been a month and I've gotten so close to forgetting about Chace. Between college and a casual hookup here or there, I'd say I've done pretty well handling myself. It's only when he's brought up in conversation do I fear that I haven't made any progress. Something dull and heavy still pulls at my chest. Am I still sad? Is that okay?

"Sorry! I don't mean to bring up your ex like this." She looks down at our bodies so beautifully intertwined. Flushed and secure. I wish I were an artist so I could paint the sight of us. "I am not used to this, I guess."

"It's fine." I hold her face and plant a long kiss against her lips. Long enough to forget what made me uncomfortable in the first place. "I'm not either. I haven't done something like this for a while. I don't know if it's appropriate to talk about my feelings."

"I think so. At least, with me. I am okay with it. Talking to you feels nice."

I give her a shy look. "Yeah? I thought I intimidated you."

"True, at first. I am not intimidated anymore. I am glad you came back to me."

The night after Tyler rejected my embarrassing, drunken advances, I sought solace in Rosie. She's been the best thing to happen to me since the breakup. Not only is the sex amazing, but so is her soft heart. She's listened to me rant and complain about our relationship. Even when I broke down and cried, she was beyond supportive. Never did she get antsy or uncomfortable, but embraced me like a friend and a lover.

Tyler was right. I was broken-hearted. All I could think of was getting revenge on Chace, hurting him like he hurt me. What better way to give him what he wants than to hook up with his brother? That wouldn't be fair to Tyler. He doesn't deserve to be used. If his feelings for me are real, the last thing he needs is me playing with his heart because Chace played with mine.

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