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Anarchy has been dead for weeks

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Anarchy has been dead for weeks. Even with Jeffery hanging out every once in a while, these contaminated walls just don't have the same thrill they used to. What's changed? The drugs are the same. Racing is the same. People fuck, fight, and gamble the same. Trinity still gives me that annoying smile of his whenever I show up. Jeffery still clings to me like his dying breath.

Maybe it's because Chace is no longer constantly looking over his shoulder to scold me. Perhaps another phase of depression is lingering on my horizon. Hell, I was so empty I rejected Rory even after she gave me everything I wanted from her. It didn't feel right. We were not in the right frame of mind. All I could think as she pled was that Chace was the cause for it all. He pushed her so far that she came to me. He hurt her so bad that she reeked of alcohol and desperation.

It reminded me of myself.

He hasn't contacted me once since he left. A month has passed and they're still traveling across Europe with no signs of returning. Mom thinks Chace still needs time. 'He'll come to his senses. He'll forgive you.' Over the years, Chace has been livid with me for various reasons. Debt, drugs, fights, jail time. He expected it all from me. What he never expected was for me to fall for his girlfriend.

"What's on the agenda for tonight?" Rory's voice sparks my attention. I look up from the bar to my right to find her sliding into the seat next to mine. My mouth falls. What is she doing here? She signals for Trinity to come over before sparing me a shy look. Large eyes take in my demeanor with caution, and nervous fingers pull on the frayed ends of her shorts. "Bet you weren't expecting to see me here."

I pick my jaw up from the bar. "Thought I ruined all chances of us seeing each other again," I admit. Rejection is something I'm used to dishing out, but never in the circumstances that we were in. Never have I regretted it as much as I did.

"Nah. You were right. I should have taken you up on your offer. You need a friend. I need a friend. What's stopping us from doing what we do best?"

I shrug and fold my hands over the glass top. "The fact that I have unrequited feelings for you even though you were dating my brother who recently dumped you. The average person would stay as far away from me as possible."

She seems unimpressed and even amused by this. "It's funny how much you think I care. Drunk or not, Chace is in the past now."

And my feelings for you? "So, you're really moving on? No looking back? Not fighting for your relationship?" I probe her mind and explore her expression, but she sits with the same confidence she always has. If I had to, I would never guess that she's going through a breakup. Maybe she's good at hiding her pain. Just like him.

"Chace made it very clear what he thought of me, and I'm not going to grovel and beg for his return. Sure, I miss him sometimes, but I love myself too much to allow how he treated me to go unacknowledged."

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