18 | daddy's girl

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I'm not surprised to see Jade's face when I enter the family meeting room

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I'm not surprised to see Jade's face when I enter the family meeting room. (Dad's intentions were clear when he arranged this.) Though instead of greeting me with a smug expression, she's just as plastic as before. A Barbie doll smiling at me with soulless eyes. I shiver. Something's not right about her.

Dad isn't here, but Caroline is. She's hurrying around the room, stacking papers and brushing them into folders while trying to keep her business suit as straight as possible. A business suit? Thought she hated those.

"Evening, honey. Sorry for the short notice." She looks back at Jade while tucking stray hair behind her ear. "I was not aware that your father hired you an assistant. We just caught up a bit on her credentials and whatnot." She forces a smile. "You have quite the resume, young lady."

"Thank you, Mrs. Evans. This job has taken me to many parts of the world to oversee the most diverse situations. There's nothing that I can't bring to the table."

"Did you tell Dad that I don't need an assistant?" I fold my arms and give Jade a pointed look. "I'm doing just fine on my own."

"Arrogance will get you nowhere," Father booms. He appears behind me, scaring the life out of me. "One man does not run a business alone. You have employees, investors, and advertisers. Do you think you can manage the brunt of our company on your own?" He glares as if ashamed of my existence. "Your rebellious ways are starting to peek through again."

"I'm not being rebellious. I just don't see why I need to hand over my gym to some woman I don't know. I love my gym. It's not a hobby or a nine to five. I'm passionate about it."

"Your attention needs to remain on the big picture. You can't do both."

"Why not?" I demand. I point a finger at Jade. "Who is she? Why do I need her when I've been doing just fine? You haven't even given me a chance to prove myself. Hell, Tyler could be my assistant. He needs a job and would love to have the flexibility."

His nostrils flare and he tightens his fists at his sides. "That is a ridiculous suggestion. Stop being difficult."

"I'm not trying to be, but I should be able to make my own decisions. At least explain what your thought process is. Clearly, you have plans for me that I was not aware of."

"Jade has built up many CEOs in her career. Taking startups and turning them into empires. Your little gym has remained stagnant for the past several years with no signs of improvement. You barely bring home enough profit through your supplements. Are you satisfied without growth? Evolution is an important part of success, and you aren't growing. You're complacent."

I shut my mouth, lips tight, and fight off the embarrassment. He's right. I haven't improved per se. For the past few years, I've lived a comfortable life because he's allowed it. "Of course." I look down and shake my head. "I could be doing better."

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