41 | nowhere to go

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"What a surprise

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"What a surprise." Chandler's tone is cruel as ever as he looks down at me. "I didn't think my favorite son would be returning home."

"Fuck you." I shove past him on my way to the dining room. Mom wanted me to join her for breakfast before I went to pack up my things this evening. It's the least I can do to thank her for letting me stay here for a while. Sadly, the offer comes with the biggest prick on the planet.

"How was your week alone with Rory?" He walks beside me with an air of authority in his step. His shoulders are high and confident, trying to take up as much room as he physically can.

"Why do you care?" I quicken my pace, cursing their mansion for being so goddamn massive. "Thanks for recruiting a babysitter for me, by the way."

"Seems it was in vain either way. Rory has proven she needs one just as much as you do."

I slow and give him a cautious look. "What do you mean?"

"My son is more foolish than I thought if he believes a girl with a sex addiction is worth his time." He walks ahead of me with nothing more to say.

I slow to a halt and stare as he reaches the door to the dining room. How does he know about that? There's no way Chace would have told him. Right? "Hey," I hiss and race after him. I grab his arm to stop him from going in.

Chandler whirls around fast and bats my hand away with incredible force. "Don't you ever lay your disgusting hands on me," he snarls and towers over me with unrelenting hatred in his eyes.

I flinch and nearly cower back. Despite never laying a hand on me growing up, I've seen him hurt Chace enough times to brace for it. The fear is still there, rattling inside me. I revert back to my younger self, an adolescent afraid of a man's wrath when I've never received the harsh end of it. It's pathetic. I hate myself. Even after all these years, I still can't contain my fears.

Chandler notices my cowardice with a victorious sneer. He stands up taller and folds his arms over his chest. "How long do you think you'll last in this house, Tyler? You ran away the second you didn't have my son to cower behind anymore. Do you think you can last until you have a stable living situation? It'll never happen. You have no money, no career, no family that loves you besides your mother. You're a pathetic parasite whose only saving grace is that my son pities you. That's the only reason he ever helped you, and why he still does. That is until he finds out how you betrayed him. You're better off trying your luck with Rory. She seems better suited to you anyway."

All the blood drains from my body. How does he know? I become lightheaded with fear and lack of oxygen. My legs grow unsteady and my limbs are weighed down by boulders of guilt. "I-I've never betrayed my brother. I would never do that."

"He's not your brother. Never was. Do you think he'll still consider you family when he finds out you're trying to steal the first girl he's ever loved?" His smile broadens. "I think you're going to need to find a new place to sleep tonight."

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