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Something is different

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Something is different. Despite prying three separate times about Rory's talk with Dad, she's given me nothing more than three worded answers like it was nothing and no big deal. The way she holds her arm close to her body and keeps her eyes on the ground tells me otherwise. What did he say?

When we arrive at my house, Rory already knows where to go. She drags her bags to the first bedroom across the hallway from the living room. Tyler takes his two doors down to the spare bedroom but is out too fast to have unpacked anything.

"You trusted him alone with her?" Asked like a question, delivered like an accusation.

Goosebumps shoot down my arms as his all-knowing eyes pierce mine. "Why wouldn't I? He probably told her to be good to me or something."

"Mmm." Tyler nods knowing full well that my nonchalance is a mere façade. He folds his arms and waits for me to dig myself deeper.

"He wouldn't do anything while I- They were just talking. If anything, he was just a bit too harsh about his expectations and it scared her. Dad can give off intimidating first impressions. It's how he likes to present himself. I'll talk to her about it."

"You seem pretty tense for someone who believes all that."

"He just wanted to talk."

"Just like he only wanted to talk to you? Just like he-" Something ominous swallows the rest of his words.

"What?" I redirect my concern to Tyler as he glares at me as if I'm the problem. "What did he do this time? Look at you weird? You know, when you treat him like shit-"

He stomps the ground and throws his hand out. "For a good fucking reason!"

I flinch. Anger bleeds over his silent storm, crimson over his grey. I can fix this. Preferably before Rory comes out asking questions. "That was a long time ago," I say in a softer tone.

"Maybe it was for you, but I remember that shit every fucking day. I can't believe you still give him chances to do right. He's a piece of shit and he's going to take advantage of your girlfriend just like-"

"Shut up." It's too late to stop the pain before it strikes. Blood boils in my veins, and I rival the intensity of his glare with one of my own. "Things are different now. He's changed. He's apologized. Move. On."

Tyler's nostrils flare, but he doesn't push me. He won't. There's nothing can he say that will ever make me hate my father. Everything he's done has been for me. If anything, I asked for the punishments he gave. They're the reason I can live the life I do now.

He storms to the kitchen and snatches a glass out of the cabinet. "You're brainwashed and it's fucking annoying." He fills the cup up with water and drinks so aggressively I'm afraid he'll choke.

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