29 | family ties

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"You liked her," Chace says halfway through the car ride

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"You liked her," Chace says halfway through the car ride. He pulls my attention away from the passing city outside my window to his warm ocean gaze. "Rosie," he clarifies. "You liked her a lot."

Placing a gentle hand on his thigh, I give him a smile that doesn't quite reach my heart. "Last night was beyond words."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I sure as hell had a good time. Seeing you and her together." He shakes his head while staring ahead and places a hand over mine. "It was breathtaking."

"Stop trying to butter me up just because you're leaving." My disappointment is impossible to contain.

"I'm not," he laughs. "Dead serious. You saw how hard I was. You fuck like the art was made for you."

"Well, it is my passion."

"This is true." He straightens up in his seat. "You know, I've been thinking about how I'll be gone for a week. That's the longest we'll be apart from each other, and the longest you'll have gone without sex."

"Yeah." I tangle my fingers together. "I try not to think about that."

"I know we have a rule where we don't sleep with the same woman twice, but you really seemed to enjoy Rosita's company. If things get rough, you can be with her...again...while I'm gone."

I tense and give him an odd look. "Really?"

"Yeah." He rubs his neck until it's red. "I know we've talked about this. Open relationships aren't ideal for me, but I don't think this'll be a bad idea. Just while I'm gone."

"And you'd be comfortable with that?"

"I think so. I trust you. I also know control is important to you. If it's something you're comfortable with, I will be too."

Wouldn't that be giving in to relapse? I run my fingers through my hair as chills race over my skin. "You know, when my...addiction developed, it was an insane period of my life. Suddenly, anything sexual became intoxicating. Necessary at all costs and against all odds. It was in control of me, but when I was diagnosed and treated...it became something different. I'm in charge now. It's fascinating to share my body with others. In pleasuring someone. Anyone. I find all people beautiful and desirable. I didn't understand that until after I regained control."

I glance over, wondering if he'll understand what I'm trying to convey, to see a small smile in the corner of his mouth. He shakes his head and says, "I think I finally understand it. Your addiction opened your eyes to who you are. Not a sex addict, but someone who finds passion and beauty in it."

"Exactly. It's unfortunate that the journey was so rough."

"But you've been treated."

"As much as I could be. My condition is not very common nor well researched. My parents sent me away after they found out. Here, actually. There was a facility here. I started fresh with Victoria after the program was over."

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