The Christmas Special.

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All these events didn't actually happen but it's Christmas Day! So I just wanted to give you beautiful people something new 🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️

Hope you like this!

An Oscavian Christmas.

Levi sat on the roof of the tallest tower of the palace, waiting patiently for Valerie to come to meet him.

It was dark when she finally swooped over his head a bit too fast.

"Oops!" She said with a little excitement and anxiety as she held her wings out to slow down. "I'm still getting the hang of this flying thing."

"You're doing great" Levi said with a small chuckle as she finally maneuvered herself to stand next to him.

"Hi Levi, hi Tio" she said breezily as she sat down and used both hands to try and keep her hair from blowing into her face.

Levi smiled and helped her out. "I would braid your hair, but I'm not skilled in that area"

"I'll braid her hair, keep your hands off her" Blue snapped, saucily.

"Alright, alright" Levi said and did as she asked.

"How did your day go? Did you pass the border alright?" Valerie asked, smoothing out a sheet of paper she had in her hand.

"It was fine, but I think those guys are already getting suspicious, I saw some powder bombs in the...hey what's that?" He pointed at the paper and took it from her, curiously.

"Oh, nothing, I just managed to paint this after my busy day today" Valerie sighed. She cast a small spell to make a ball of light.

It was a painting of a wingless girl staring through the window of a house. People were inside the house wrapped up in warm clothes, gathered around a decorated tree and looking cheerful as they smiled at each other.

"It's beautiful" Levi said and Tio nodded in agreement. "What's this about?"

"That's me" Valerie said, pointing at the lonely girl outside, staring into the warm house full of happy people. "And that is Sophie's house. During Christmas, this is pretty much how it looks like"

"What's a Christmas?" Levi asked "like a festival?"

"Something like that," Valerie chuckled "to some people it's the best time of the year where everyone gathers around, friends and family, even enemies sometimes make peace and they all enjoy the cheerful spirit together, share gifts, sing Christmas songs, talk about the Baby Jesus, the whole whatever..."

"What about your family?" Levi asked.

"Oh, Nicole has never been a Christmas person" Valerie said, rubbing the back of her head. "So Christmas at my place is like any other winter day."

Levi watched her stare at the picture for a few moments before smiling.
"I sneak out on the night before Christmas and Christmas day to Sophie's house though, just so I can watch through the window. Nicole would go crazy of she found out and Sophie's mom always calls for permission for me to stay so..."

"You are not allowed to partake in the celebration?"

"Sort of, I'm fine with just staring at them. Although it would have been awesome to actually have a real Christmas Eve with the gigantic tree and the millions of presents and the lights.
You know if you actually count the months I've been in Oscavia it would be about New year by now...too bad Oscavia doesn't do Christmas. My friends don't even like the idea of a sneaky old man squeezing through your chimney to eat cookies and milk in exchange for presents. They totally freaked out when I told them about it" She laughed and took the painting back from Levi.

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