Chapter Twenty-five: Reverse Mermaids From the Underwater Kingdom .

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"Alright everybody, stop everything!" Valerie yelled out of the blue and they all turned to look at her.

"What?" Mayi asked.

"I am not moving an inch from here until I get cleaned up" Valerie said folding her arms. "I am a mess! It's been one and a half days since my last bath and I just got rolled in that mud by those crazy people! I mean, isn't it obvious?!"

"Well..." Kyoh started, trying to see if it was obvious.

"I think you look fine...?"Dansé said, unsure.

"The look suits you" Tijan said with a nod.

"Unbelievable" Valerie growled.

She was literally covered halfway in mud which went places where mud wasn't supposed to be located in the human body, her hair looked simply ridiculous and her shoes were caked in dry mud and a mixture of.... something disgusting.

"Nope, I'm not doing this" Valerie huffed and trudged her way through the forest. She was going right instead of straight. "I can't even....!"

"Valerie, where are you going?!" They called following after her.

"I think I saw some water over here!" She called back, she tripped twice but she survived.

Finally, she came to a clearing which had soft grass and most importantly, a small lake.

"Thank you so much God!" Valerie gasped and knelt by the water before scooping some up to wash the mud of her face. It was soothingly cool and clear.

"Wonderful" Dansé said, coming out of the forest with the others. "What do you suppose Mayi? Do we have time to spare?"

"I suppose so." Mayi replied. "These places are not safe by night time, though and the sun is preparing to fall"

"We'll get to somewhere safe before night," Valerie said searching her bag for something after washing off her feet. "Right now, I need help with this"

She grinned as she held out her dark blue, fancy, one-piece bikini to Mayi.

"What is that?" Mayi asked, very intrigued by the piece of clothing.

"Swimwear. Bought it for a whooping Fifty dollars!" Valerie said, with a giggle. "Help me?"

Mayi hummed and waved her hand. In one second and a puff of purple mist, Valerie's dirty clothes were exchanged with the fancy bikini.

What other way was there for magical creatures with wings to put on clothes? Velcro? Of course not.

"Thank you!" Valerie squealed, excitedly and went to dive into the water, splashing the duanti who were still asleep in Mayi's bag.

Once the water touched them, they jumped awake!

"What the...?" Blue murmured "where are we?"

"I cannot remember how we ended up in here" Em mumbled.

"I am not complaining" Jags chuckled happily "I wake up surrounded by females? I am not complaining"

"Ugh!" Vanity and the rest of the female duanti groaned and hurried away from there.

Valerie ran her fingers through her hair as she floated on her back in the water. She noticed that her wings also helped her stay afloat instead of weighing her down.

Blue came to sit on her tummy. "Hi"

"Hi" Valerie replied, tickling her duanti. "Don't worry, you didn't miss much"

Blue sighed "that is good." Then out of nowhere she just said "I miss Diaz"

"Me too, Blue" Valerie whispered in response, suddenly feeling like she was slacking off "how long do you think we have?"

Valerie and the Legends of OscaviaWhere stories live. Discover now