Chapter Five: What Really Happened?

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"Handel, stop! We need to get out of here now, you can get the book later!" A loud feminine voice called over the sound of the howling wind.

Valerie peeled her eyes open and staggered backwards in surprise, one second she was in front of a winged prince and the next she was in...her living room...but different.

Livelier, even.

There were flowers in the living room for God's sake! The last time Valerie suggested flowers in the house, she was grounded for a month!

A family portrait of a ridiculously familiar girl and a wild haired guy, smiling and holding a grinning, toothless baby was on the wall.

There were fluffy throw pillows on the couches and a lush rug under the center table and were those sausages in a plate?
Nicole had been vegan since Valerie remembered!

"Ok what's going on?!" Valerie asked aloud.

There was heavy wind at the windows, threatening to break it down and the worst part was that she could remember all this happening! It was like someone was refreshing her memory.

"Nicole! Where is the book?!" A male voice roared as heavy footsteps pounded down the stairs, Valerie went to the foot of the stairs and watched as the wild haired guy from the portrait marched down in fury. He had to be about Valerie's age. "Where is it?!"

Valerie moved out of the way because he looked angry enough to shove her out of his path.

A flustered girl with black hair came down after him, that toothless baby girl in her arms.
"Handel, please, the hurricane, they said it's coming closer and we need to protect our baby, you need to forget about that book!" She cried.

Valerie froze, Handel? Nicole?

"Dad?" Valerie asked, watching him take out the cushions of the couches in his angry search.

"Dad!" Valerie called louder but no one seemed to hear her, it was like she wasn't there!

"I threw it away okay?!" Nicole screamed and Handel froze before turning to her.

"What?" He whispered as his blue eyes widened.

Nervously, Nicole put the baby who was undoubtedly Valerie into a nearby cot, avoiding her husband's eyes. Baby Valerie started to cry.

Suddenly, Handel sighed in relief.

"Where did you hide it?" He asked.

Nicole's voice was small "I didn't..."

"I KNOW you Nicole!" Handel yelled and Valerie jumped along with her mother.

She looked down with defeat "It's in the kitchen cabinet--" Handel rushed to the kitchen immediately "--but what could you possibly want it for? The hurricane, Del! Handel! Listen to me..."

Valerie went to the window, lightening flashed and thunder boomed in response. The wind was howling a strange tune as the trees swayed, struggling to stay upright. The rain beat at the glass and Valerie was sure she could see it cracking.

The grey clouds held a promise, a dangerous, heavy promise.

"You guys have to get out of here!" Valerie said though they couldn't hear her.

Valerie and the Legends of OscaviaWhere stories live. Discover now