Chapter Four: Oscavia.

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Chapter Four: Oscavia

Somewhere at the back of her mind, Valerie could hear voices, her mind was slowly waking up but her body remained asleep on...a soft bed it seemed.

She didn't understand the voices, they were saying things...things that were definitely not English.

Slowly, her body and her mind finally came together, she groaned and fluttered her eyes open, trying to remember anything that happened before she fell asleep.
Painfully, a gold cursive "O" flashed before her eyes and she sat up, holding her aching head.

"ελληνικά ή αγγλικά?" The voice said, not like she understood a word.

"Oh, my head" she groaned and opened her eyes.

Immediately, she saw steel grey eyes staring back at her.

"Ah, English" A deep, sonorous voice said.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Personal space, busker!" Valerie said loudly as she scooted backwards and toppled off the seriously soft bed she was lying on.

It was then she noticed that she was outside and she was currently sitting on crisp green grass, the sky was blue and a little too cloudy over her head, her back felt uncomfortable and she was this close to freaking out.

"Relax. Take deep breaths and relax." The deep voice said and Valerie turned back to the person who spoke.

Her jaw went slack and her eyes bulged out of their sockets.

It wasn't because Mr. Knight was crouched in front of her dressed in gold and white, it wasn't because his eyes were a steel grey instead of the hazel she'd always known, it wasn't because of the unimaginably beautiful blonde girl who was next to him, holding a tray of large, equally beautiful carrots or the other girl with a nice fringe and smoky makeup or the two men a few ways behind, standing at alert with sharp spears in their hands. It was because of the wings.

The huge, fluffy, feathery, beautiful, magnificent wings.

"I understand that you are confused right now Valerie Reece" Mr. Knight with wings said "but..."

"Heck yeah I'm confused!" Valerie yelled getting up on her feet with a little struggle, she felt heavy like she was carrying extra weight on one part of her body
"You have wings!" She screamed "she has wings! They have wings! Oh my goodness what's going on!? You're going to kill me now? What the heck?! How did I even get here? You kidnapped me, Mr. Knight? This was all your idea?!"

"My name is not Mr. Knight and I did not kidnap you, you would understand everything if you would come to Du Kastol with us..." He took a tentative step towards her.

"No! Don't step closer or I'll... I'll..." Valerie stammered and searched around for a weapon, she found the transparent paintbrush in her hoodie pocket and held it out menacingly, like it was a sword of some sort.

Yeah it seemed like a good idea at the moment.

"Back it up!" Valerie called, "back it the hell up right now or I will use this. I am not going any- frieaking -where with anybody until you explain what is going on here!"

Slowly and with almost regal grace, Mr. Knight sat on the short green grass folding his legs, his huge wings looked like they were adjusting themselves till they were comfortable.
"I would explain right now then, please, join me" he said to Valerie and gestured to the space in front of him.

Valerie and the Legends of OscaviaWhere stories live. Discover now