Chapter Thirty-one: That One Jon Bellion Song.

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Mayi came back very soon and made another soup for Valerie who didn't have any choice but to actually try and eat it this time.

"Open your mouth, Valerie" Mayi said.

"I don't like how it smells" Valerie whined.

"I said. Open. Your. Mouth".

"You can do it, Valerie" Blue cheered, watching the drama with Vanity.

With tiny tears threatening to spill from her eyes, Valerie ate the soup from the spoon.

It didn't exactly taste bad because since she couldn't smell, she couldn't taste either but the overall feel of the thing wasn't exactly nice.

Mayi made her have five spoons of soup. But she couldn't even keep it down, she ended up throwing it back up into the bowl of soup.

Mayi looked absolutely disgusted as she walked out of there and threw it away.

"No luck?" Tijan asked.

"Zero" Mayi said. "She is asleep now and quite cold. Her temperature changes from time to time."

"Is it my shift now?" Dansé asked eagerly.

"Fortunately, yes" Mayi replied. "I am never doing that again," she added in her mind.

Valerie didn't wake up until it was dinner time and by then, Dansé had changed her clothes for her and placed a warm cloth on her forehead.

She even woke up to find her hair braided so it won't get in her way.
She had a body ache, but she managed to sit up when Dansé came in with the next soup to try.

"Mayi told me you preferred soup from plants so here it is, soup made from Chué!" Dansé said happily.

"You made carrot soup for me?" Valerie asked and immediately started crying "oh my gosh, Dansé that is so sweet of you! You have to be th....the nicest person I've ever...."
She sniffled and blew her nose into the paper towel.

"Oh stop crying, you will make me cry..." Dansé said, but she was already sobbing into her own paper towel.

They both ended up crying like babies.
Dansé forgot she had to actually feed Valerie the soup, not cry into it.

"Did she finish it?" Mayi asked as Dansé walked out of the tent.

The blonde girl paused in her steps. "Oh...." Dansé said very slowly.

"You forgot?" Kyoh asked. Tijan chuckled and earned a nudge in the ribs.

"She is very cunning! She outsmarted me!" Dansé said in defense.

Valerie managed to eat half a bar of chocolate from her bag so it wasn't all bad.

Late into the night when everyone was asleep, Valerie was awake, staring at her phone which was making her eyes water, but she did it anyway.
Her photos were working now so she was going through pictures of her and Sophie when she heard a voice whispering her name.

"Psst! Hey Valerie!"

She turned her head to the entrance of her own part of the tent and spotted Tio, the black duanti, peeking in.
The candles were lit so she could see fairly well.

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