Chapter Forty: Victory To The Oscavian Legends.

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"Don't fall, don't fall" Valerie whispered to herself as dizzy waves passed through her brain. She waited a few more seconds before moving again.

Then she heard an almighty crash that came directly from above. She looked out the window and watched as the beacon's light faded slowly.

The beacon had been holding up the "sky", so now the underground kingdom was about to collapse.

Mayi was still slumped in the aftermath of her fight with Handel. Valerie got to her and shook her shoulder.

"Mayi it's me, Valerie, wake up. Handel is gone. The place is collapsing" she said, urgently.

Slowly, Mayi roused like she was waking up from sleep and her eyes opened.
"Valerie. Where is he?" She asked looking around skeptically.

"I sort of vaporized him" Valerie said. She didn't fully even understand what happened back there.

"You defeated him?" Mayi asked, her eyes lighting up in quiet praise and pride.

"Yes, I did" Valerie said and shook her head slightly when another small dizzy spell hit her.

"Well done, Valerie, I commend you on behalf of all of Oscavia...." Mayi said, sitting up.
Boom! Something crashed again and there was a collective noise as the citizens realized their doom.

Mayi gasped and stood up. "We need to leave. We must find the others."

"Go ahead" Valerie said, getting up and going to stand next to Levite's unmoving form on the floor.

Immediately she splashed some water (using a water spell) on his face, he gasped for air and sat up abruptly.

"Valerie!" He gasped as he stared at her, then he looked around for Handel with wide eyes.

"He's gone" Valerie said. Something crashed through the ceiling with a huge noise, shaking the entire place. They weren't sure what is was but it definitely fell out of the sky. "We would be gone too if we don't get out of here. Let's go."

"Why are you helping me?" Levite asked.

"If you think for one second I'm going to leave you here, you're out of your freaking mind" Valerie said and hurried out the door.

Levite gave her a confused look but still followed her out of the throne room. The hallway was in chaos.

"The king is dead!"

"This kingdom is lost!"

"The sky is falling!"

"I can't find my shoe!"

People just screamed different things and went on to run around, panicking.

"I have to find someone" Levite said and took off running without warning. "Just head for the portal!"

Valerie didn't have time to reply because Mayi grabbed her arm and they struggled among the living river of people to get through the hallways.

There were two consecutive crashes and people panicked some more, trampling on each other to get out of there. All the windows were open, making way for people to fly out easily.

To escape the stampede, Mayi pulled them both into a free hallway.

"I had Tijan and Dansé tied together when I fought them." Mayi said taking a deep breath of fresh air. "Now that they have clear heads they are probably free."

"Friends!" They heard a familiar voice call. They turned around and nearly got tackled by a very excited Dansé.

Nearly because she held back her hug when she saw how beat up they looked. But then they all looked like they were tossed into a washing machine full of thorns so...

"You're alive!" Valerie said as energetically as she could which resulted into her sounding like she was on her death bed.
"We were looking for you, where's Tijan and Kyoh?"

"Tijan went to search for Kyoh, I was searching for you. You are a hero Valerie! You have saved Oscavia!" Dansé said warmly.

"I definitely didn't do it alone" Valerie said, thankful she didn't forget that huge detail. "We saved Oscavia together"

"I quite like how that sounds" Kyoh's voice said and they all turned to look as he walked up to them with Tijan behind him.

Kyoh was nursing his arm which was obviously broken and he looked absolutely beat up. But he managed to make "beat up" seem like a new fashion trend.

Tijan had a black eye and his top was ripped in several places but he was otherwise okay.

"You look terrible" Valerie joked with a tired smile.

"Do you need a mirror?" Tijan replied, giving her a concerned once-over "how are you still standing?"

"Strong will?" Valerie said, awkwardly.

"You need rest" Tijan pointed out.

"As do I." Dansé sighed, "I could sleep for fifteen yaku."

A loud crash interrupted their conversation and they all remembered it was not safe yet.

"Come on guys let's go" Valerie said.

They soon found themselves outside the palace, flying among the hundreds of people heading for the several portals made for easy escape.

"Stand back while I make mine" Mayi said as they landed on partially free spot.

While Mayi was doing her best to make her portal big enough for passage, Valerie's eyes trailed to the beacon of darkness which was still crumbling down. The blue light it was emitting was fading fast until it was just a tiny speck on the tall rock pillar.

Then without warning, it sent out a bright explosion and the last thing Valerie saw of the Kingdom of Darkness was bright, blinding light.

The irony.

Someone had pulled her through the portal, thankfully and here she was, standing on beautiful, crisp, green grass in some sort of orchard for weird red, spiky fruits.
At least they smelled nice.

"We made it!" Dansé screamed and hugged Kyoh who winced because she was crushing his broken arm.

Tijan gave Mayi a nudge of congrats and she punched his arm in return.

"We made it" Valerie sighed with a small smile. "Alright, we're good. Everyone's fine right?"

"We are fine," Levite said, walking up to her.

"Levi... You made it too" Valerie said and pat his cheek.

"Are you good? I was wondering if we could talk" Levi said, wondering why she was swaying on her feet.

"Oh, we'll talk...I just need a quick nap" Valerie replied.
Then...she simply passed out.


This chapter was too long to be one, so I split it. I know this is awfully short. It's only 1000 words.

Love y'all.


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