Chapter Thirty-eight: The Dark Man On The Throne.

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"Here you go" Valerie said and gave the only panusé fruit she had to the dog.
It gobbled it up in about fifteen seconds.

"You are free now" Mayi said to the monstrous beast. She was done making the numerous chains tying the akanon down disappear.

"Stick around, Benny" Valerie said to it and it let out a small growl of agreement before crashing through the ceiling with newly found strength.

And yes, she named the akanon Benny. If you haven't noticed, she wasn't really good in the name-giving department.

"Akanons are very strong" Tijan commented looking through the hole in the ceiling. They could still hear the "boom" "boom" "boom" as it broke into the next floor and the next and the next.

"They know we're here... we are going to have to move faster" Valerie said, chewing on two keena petals. The energy reviving petals worked instantly but her burnt hand was still bandaged since they didn't have the instant-healing potion nearby.

She tried to ignore the pain though but it definitely wasn't easy to do so. "We also have to be prepared for we move now, where's Handel?" She gestured to the map Tijan was holding.

"Surprisingly, he is still in the throne room." Tijan said.

"Do you think he is waiting for you?" Mayi asked, staring at Valerie.

"If he's waiting, I hope Benny doesn't miss her cue" Valerie said and gave the messy dog which was on its feet now a pat on the head. "You're free now buddy, go"

The brown eyed puppy gave her a wise look and barked what sounded like "thank you" before licking her face and running out of the room.

It wasn't exactly hot anymore since there was no dying akanon here.

"What is a dog doing in the kingdom of darkness? In Oscavia." Valerie asked as they walked out as well, going down the hall.

"You have those in your realm as well?" Mayi asked with raised eyebrows.

Valerie was about to answer but they heard the sound of people coming.
"Alright, this way" She said and they turned around to run.

"Hey you three there! Stop in the name of the King!" A voice called and the footsteps became louder as they pounded towards them.

"No thanks" Valerie mumbled and kept running.

"That way" Tijan said and pointed left. The hallways were all some kind of a network. If they went right, they would have run into some more guards.

"Get ready to crash through that window!" Valerie called pointing up ahead.

"Stop!" A dark creature called with a loud booming voice. "Arthur!"

Tijan skidded to a stop and froze.

"Come on, let's go!" Valerie said, looking back at him. But she and Mayi stopped running.

Tijan had turned around and was staring right at the dark creature with dark blonde hair and black wings. He took his pencil and transformed it into his two ended spear.

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