Chapter Thirty-two: Levi

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"Help me" She heard a small voice whisper.

Valerie opened her eyes slowly, thinking she heard someone talking to her. But she was here, with Tijan who looked really adorable as he slept.

She smiled, wondering if she should get markers and prank him but decided against it.

It was too hot. She was freezing a while ago but now she was burning up. She must have stayed next to him for so long.

"Help me!" A voice called from outside the tent. She sat up immediately, the small voice sounded so familiar.

Removing her hand from Tijan's and ignoring her feverish feeling, she stood up and walked out.

It was bright outside since they had set camp in a clearing, but the air was strange. The others were doing something she wasn't really interested in and they didn't spot her as she stepped towards the darkness of the woods.

She coughed and held her chest, looking around for whoever was calling her.

Then she saw a small figure standing quietly a little ways ahead of her, staring blankly.

Valerie gasped, blinking severally. "Diaz?"

He looked different, his clothes were ragged but still white, his eyes that used to be such a vibrant green were pale. But not as pale as his skin.

"Diaz, w..what...?" Valerie stammered as she stepped closer "what did they do to you?" she reached out to touch him but he shifted backwards quickly.

"Please, help me" he whispered and took off running. Even his wings weren't white anymore.

Valerie took a deep breath to calm her racing heart before following him. She tried to run as fast as she could but soon got tired and more feverish.

"Wait!" Valerie rasped "Diaz!"

"Help meeeeee!!!" She heard him scream one last time before it went completely silent.

Mustering as much strength as she could, she ran to the direction his voice had come from and nearly fell right into a huge split in the earth.

She looked down silently into the chaos, one more step and she would drop straight down and get crushed or staked by the thorns that glinted dangerously at the bottom.

But Diaz was down there.

As if in a trance, she took the last step.

She didn't fall. Someone locked their arms around her middle and pulled her back.

"No! No, let me go! Diaz!" Valerie screamed, thrashing against her captor.

"Help me!" His sad voice called from the darkness.

"Hold on, Diaz!" Valerie rasped, still fighting to get free.

"That is not Diaz, Valerie!" Tijan said turning her to face him. She still fought at him with her fists.
"Let me go!"

"Stop that! That is not Diaz, he did not say your name, it was a spirit!" He said and gripped her shoulders. Her breaths came out in puffs and she looked flushed. Finally she stopped moving, apart from how hard she was shivering at that moment

Valerie and the Legends of OscaviaWhere stories live. Discover now