Chapter Thirty-seven: The Kingdom of Darkness.

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Warning: This is about the Kingdom of Darkness, expect dark things 😁

"This is incredible" Kyoh muttered, staring at his map as they soared above the plains of the Undiscovered which they were slowly discovering. "Silvera is showing me new places as we fly, I can see an oasis here due east and a sort of...portal due north."

"That is the portal I came from!" Diaz exclaimed "we are going to pass through the portal. I think."

"You think?!" Vanity exclaimed "kid you have to be sure, I don't want to take any chances with my life here"

"We have been taking chances since we stepped out of Olaw, hush duanti" Mayi scolded.

"None of you are thinking of that which is the most important" Dansé said solemnly.

"What's that, Dansé?" Valerie asked.

"The beacon of Darkness" the blonde girl replied with a vague expression.


"There it is!" Blue called, pointing at a round patch of darkness hovering over the ground.

They all swooped down to stand near it.
"Okay Diaz, you are staying here" Valerie said, putting her bag down to take her pouch which contained the Maorouka, a panusé fruit and her paintbrush.

"No. No! I want to go with you!" Diaz said, wrapping himself around her leg.

"But I don't want to lose you again" Valerie said trying to shake him off.

"We are a team" Diaz said giving her shiny, teary eyes. "You cannot leave me behind"

"Dizzy, we are a team and each one of us have different roles." Valerie said, kneeling to his height. "Someone has to go back to Olaw in case we don't make it out.
You are here outside this portal because I don't want anything to happen to you, I want you to be safe can see your real parents again"

"My real.." he trailed off, staring at her with big green eyes.

"We think so" Mayi said "the last Light Creatures recorded to possess the power to influence the earth are who we are taking you to"

"But...Val-val..." Diaz said, wearily. Then he simply hugged her.

"You are the strongest little boy I know, you've been through a lot, it would be horrible of me to make you go through all that again, so please, wait here, you know why now" Valerie said.

He nodded and let her go "okay"

"Good, Blue and all the other duanti would be here with you" Valerie told him as she stood and ruffled his hair.

"What?!" Blue squealed.

"Oh thank Karis" Vanity sighed.

"I mean I know I should go but honestly, I'm just scared" Em said.

"You cannot leave us behind" Jags protested. "Tijan, tell her!"

"You have to stay" Tijan said with a shrug "because in all honesty, we may not return, you all must go back to Olaw and tell the people what happened."

"No!" Blue said "What if you need us and we can be of help!? What if...!?"

"Stay here!" Valerie snapped and they all shut up. "I'm sorry, but this is the best way. We don't know what's down there"

Blue looked at her with a heartbroken expression.

Valerie just shut her eyes and shook her head before going to stand before the portal with Tijan, Kyoh, Mayi and Dansé.

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