Chapter Twenty-four: The City of Crazy People.

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Valerie had never thought she would ever in her right mind rub mud on her face deliberately. She looked at her reflection in the mirror Mayi had conjured. She looked like zombie!

Well...a low budget zombie, since she only had rags on and mud all over her body and hair.

"Why are we doing this again?" Valerie asked, looking at the others who also looked like low budget zombies.

"Because, we need to fit in with the people of Fedena" Kyoh said, he was trying to make himself look terrible and was getting frustrated. Which is because "Kyoh" and "terrible" just didn't belong in the same sentence.

"Fedena is notorious for thieves and robbers, thugs and beggars. Their economy crashed many yaku ago" Mayi explained, "it is a terrible place to be, the people there are lost"

"If we walked into the city with our royal attires and our elaborate diamond encrusted weapons, we would be attacked and robbed" Dansé said, she was also failing at the "looking ugly" thing. She and Kyoh were made for each other.

"So what?" Valerie scoffed, tucking her sapphire necklace into her clothes so it wasn't obvious "we'll just kick their butts if they try anything funny"

"The people of Fedena would gladly accept war, do not do anything to trigger that." Mayi warned. She held out a pile of dirt to Vanity.

"Rub this on, it is part of your disguise" she said.

"Eww...I will not be caught dead doing such a horrendous thing!" Vanity gagged, recoiling from her owner.

"Vanity you are the only one left" Mayi said in a warning tone.

"But...but..." Vanity said, she looked like she was going to cry "I will rather stay in your bag!"

"Fine" Mayi said tossing the mud away. "Kyoh, what is the quickest route to the other side of the city?"

"The quickest route is not smiling at us, Mayi. That would be the Pegasus housings" Kyoh replied, eyes on his fancy map.

"Nooooo!" Vanity shrieked from inside Mayi's bag.

"That is not an option, obviously" Valerie said with a small laugh.

"The next is to go through the market place ..." Kyoh said and went on talking about stuff (...blah blah blah...west, river something, and finally they agreed to take that route.
Seriously, you don't need the details).

The city of Fedena was a mess. Now that she was in it, Valerie could see why Mayi asked them to dress like this. Everyone here looked like they got their clothes from the dumpster.

"Is that a dead rat?" Valerie whispered, staring wearily at the thing on the floor as they got closer to it.

" Valerie, that is not a dead rat" Blue whispered back.


"Yeah... just...look away, look away"

"Way ahead of ya"

They had a very long walk till they finally reached a crowded area. The place was a mess. Houses dotted the area, looking like they had once been beautiful.

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