Chapter Twenty-three: Flying Lessons Gone Sour.

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She heard a strange noise in her sleep and stirred slightly. The wind ruffled her hair slightly.
Why did her bed feel like grass?

Oh well, it was good grass. So soft. And the hand she was holding was really even. The good kind though. It was too chilly in this room, she needed a blanket.
Oh, the person next to her was really, really warm...

"What in the name of the Twelve Karis...aaah!" Someone yelled.

Valerie's eyes popped open and she sat up with a rush of adrenaline. "What?! Aah!" She screamed, coming face to face with a shocked Tijan who yelled when he realized they were still holding hands.

"Oh my God!" Valerie screamed and they both yanked their hands away.



"Valerie, shut off the alarm!" Blue called from inside the tent.

"I was going to ring the gong but it seems you both are far more efficient" Mayi said folding her arms as she came to stand before them.

Tijan and Valerie jumped to their feet and started to talk loudly at the same time. So everything was just a jumbled mess of words.

"I am trying to sleep!" Dansé called from inside the tent.

"Stop the noise!" Vanity yelled.

Finally, they both shut up.

"I trust you both slept well last night" Mayi said. Her face was serious but Valerie had the constant nagging feeling that she was mocking them.

"No, I mean. I've had better sleep" Valerie mumbled.

"What a shame. You both seemed so quiet and peaceful together" Mayi continued.

Okay, she was definitely mocking them.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go" Valerie said. She and Tijan went opposite directions.

The sun wasn't out yet but it was bright enough to see around. The fire they had going on last night was out and a steady smoke was rising from the ashes.

The small city on the other side of the valley still had lights on.

"Get ready soon, Valerie. You will have lessons on flying today" Mayi said.

"What?! Why?!" Valerie called back.

Mayi didn't answer but instead went on with whatever she was doing.

Valerie took her bag from somewhere near the fireplace and searched for something to eat.
She barely ate yesterday.

"Oh cheese balls!" Valerie said happily as she brought out the big bag of cheesy goodness.

"I heard my name!" Blue said suddenly as she zoomed out of the tent.

Valerie laughed and sat down to eat with her duanti "you eat so much for that tiny little body"

Blue only shrugged and stuffed her face. Valerie sighed. Just about a month ago, she was complaining about her predictable life and boring morning routine.

Going to school, doing homework, attending class, trying to be invisible in her wine hood and hanging out with Sophie seemed like the only interesting things in her life then.

But now she had wings, lots of cool friends, a necklace made of actual diamond and silver, freaking magic powers and she was on a quest to save a magical kingdom!

Yeah, her life was definitely transformed.

But she still missed Sophie. She could never forget Sophie. The one person she loved a teensy bit more than herself. She would make sure to make it out of Oscavia alive just so she could see her BFF again.

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