Pet Names 🤍

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"Evan babe calm down, you've gotten so much better-"

"But it's not good enough Connor! I've tried for hours! Days weeks months! It's too h-hard I don't- d-don't..." The blond boy started to cry, pulling at his hair in frustration.

Connor immediately pulled them away, scolding him for hurting himself.

"Evan, Evan- I-I- umm... Evan feel me for a second ok?" Probably a little too roughly, Connor forced the blond boys hands to his cheeks.

"...what do you feel?"

It was silent for a few seconds before Evan's fingers started to move across his face.

"Your sharp jaw, your smooth- warm skin..."

Evan started to cry, tears dripping from his warm pools of blue.

"Evan, you're doing amazing, you are so so strong. Everything you've been doing proves that. This doesn't make me love you any less, this is just you. And I love all of you." Connor whispered, proving his point by running his hands up and down the smaller boys body.

"C-Connor.." Evan whispered, too afraid to break the soft blanket of security they've created.

"You're so strong."

Evan's breath hitched, closing his eyes tightly. He gripped the front of Connor hoodie and buried into his neck.

"I want to stop... I'm- I'm tired and-"

"Sleepy? I know baby here, let me help you." Carefully, Connor picked up the smaller boy, letting him wrap his legs around the taller boys waist.

Quick and soundless, Connor made it to their room and placed Evan on their bed, thrilled that they changed before hand.

"C-Connor?!" Evan panicked as soon as he let go.

"I'm right here love, I'm not going anywhere."

The brunette quickly climbed into the bed, wrapping his arms tightly around Evan's waist.

"I-I- love you Con..."

"I know Evan, Ev, Baby, Love, Honey-bun~"

The blond boys cheeks heated up, causing embarrassed giggles to escape his lips.

"Pfft Con stoooop you know how pet names get me!"

He giggled, kissing along Evan's neck slowly.

"No baby boy, would you like to fill me in?"

Evan hummed, tilting his head back gently.

"I-It makes me all mushy, filled with love almost spilling over the edge..."

Using muscle memory, Evan twisted so Connor was on top of him. The blond boys thighs resting gently on his waist.

"Do you like being over simulated with love baby?"

"Hmmm yes.. Feels good, makes me feel good..."

Connor smiled, he'd never get tired of Evan's breathless face, so fucked with love he can't think properly.

Slowly, as to not startle the newly none-hospitalised Evan, lowered onto him, placing gentle kisses along his neck.

After a few seconds of silence, and breathtakingly soft kisses, Connor spoke up.

"What do you miss the most?"

"The color of your eyes..." Evan breathed, blindly reaching up to pull Connor's face close so their breathes intermingled.

"They were so pretty, I loved just looking at them, getting lost in the marbled shades..."

Connor smiled brightly, pressing a firm kiss to his lips. No sexual desire, just feeling the other, using their other senses to feel, and love.

"I love you Connor.."

"I love you too Evan, more than you will ever know."

"I hate Diabetic retinopathy..."

Connor chuckled, twisting to place a sweet kiss on Evan's temple.

"Me too love, me too... Now sleep."

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